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&(缺貨)NVIDIA JETSON NANO 開發套件V3 (Kit B01) 64bit 4G內存(外殼、電源、SD卡另

 NVIDIA JETSON NANO 開發套件V3 64bit (風扇、外殼、電源、SD卡另購)

NVIDIA Jetson Nano Development Kit-B01 (新款)

Jetson Nano developer kit-B01 specifications:
  • B01 Jetson Nano CPU Module/核心板規格
    • 128-core Maxwell GPU
    • Quad-core Arm A57 processor @ 1.43 GHz
    • System Memory  – 4GB 64-bit LPDDR4 @ 25.6 GB/s
    • Storage  – microSD card slot
    • Video Encode – 4K @ 30 | 4x 1080p @ 30 | 9x 720p @ 30 (H.264/H.265)
    • Video Decode – 4K @ 60 | 2x 4K @ 30 | 8x 1080p @ 30 | 18x 720p @ 30 (H.264/H.265)
    • Dimensions – 70 x 45 mm
  • B01 Baseboard/底板規格
    • 260-pin SO-DIMM connector for Jetson Nano module.
    • Video Output – HDMI 2.0 and eDP 1.4 (video only)
    • Connectivity – Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45) + 4-pin PoE header
    • USB – 4x USB 3.0 ports, 1x USB 2.0 Micro-B port for power or device mode
    • Camera I/F – 2x MIPI CSI-2 DPHY lanes compatible with Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2
    • Expansion
      • M.2 Key E socket (PCIe x1, USB 2.0, UART, I2S, and I2C) for wireless networking cards
      • 40-pin expansion header with GPIO, I2C, I2S, SPI, UART signals
      • 8-pin button header with system power, reset, and force recovery related signals
    • Misc – Power LED, 4-pin fan header
    • Power Supply – 5V/4A via power barrel or 5V/2A via micro USB port selectable by jumper; optional PoE support
  • Dimensions – 100 x 80 x 29 mm (with heatsink)



  Other changes include the removal of the “button” and serial headers, and the power select header (J48) has been moved to the edge of the board. The new baseboard is also said to be compatible with the upcoming Jetson Xavier NX module, but according to a forum thread using an A02 module with a B01 carrier board will not work.

  NVIDIA also released Jetpack 4.3 with the latest TensorRT 6.0.1 and cuDNN 7.6.3 libraries which are claimed to improve AI inference performance by 25%, and includes a developer preview of VPI (Vision Programming Interface) including CPU+GPU accelerated computer vision/image processing algorithms. 


    The NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ Developer Kit delivers the compute performance to run modern AI workloads at an unprecedented size, power, and cost. Developers, learners, and makers can now run AI frameworks and models for applications like image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing.

    The developer kit can be powered by micro-USB and comes with extensive I/Os, ranging from GPIO to CSI. This makes it simple for developers to connect a diverse set of new sensors to enable a variety of AI applications. It’s incredibly power-efficient, consuming as little as 5 watts.

    Jetson Nano is also supported by NVIDIA JetPack, which includes a board support package (BSP), Linux OS, NVIDIA CUDA®, cuDNN, and TensorRT™ software libraries for deep learning, computer vision, GPU computing, multimedia processing, and much more. The software is even available using an easy-to-flash SD card image, making it fast and easy to get started.

    The same JetPack SDK is used across the entire NVIDIA Jetson™ family of products and is fully compatible with NVIDIA’s world-leading AI platform for training and deploying AI software. This proven software stack reduces complexity and overall effort for developers.


  1. Micro SD卡卡槽:可接入16GB以上的TF卡,燒寫系統鏡像
  2. 40PIN GPIO擴展接口
  3. Micro USB接口:可用於5V電源輸入或者USB數據傳輸
  4. 千兆以太網端口:10/100/1000Base-T自適應以太網端口
  5. 4路USB 3.0接口
  6. HDMI高清接口
  7. DisplayPort接口
  8. DC電源接口:用於5V電源輸入
  9. 2路MIPI CSI攝像頭接口

●NVIDIA JETSON NANO 專用 散熱風扇 5V 3PIN接口 4010風扇(Fan-4010-5V)●NVIDIA JETSON NANO 專用 散熱風扇 5V 3PIN接口 4010風扇(Fan-4010-5V)加購價:NT$158數量
▼NVIDIA JETSON NANO專用 JetBot AI Kit配件包(不含B01主板、SD卡) 人工智能機器車▼NVIDIA JETSON NANO專用 JetBot AI Kit配件包(不含B01主板、SD卡) 人工智能機器車加購價:NT$3,675NT$210數量
&●NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01、NX、2G 專用外殼:金屬外殼 N100-V11 (如NX要另外買天線&●NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01、NX、2G 專用外殼:金屬外殼 N100-V11 (如NX要另外買天線加購價:NT$893數量
NVIDIA JETSON NANO 專用 散熱風扇 5V 4PIN接口 PWM調速強風 4020風扇(Fan-4020-PWNVIDIA JETSON NANO 專用 散熱風扇 5V 4PIN接口 PWM調速強風 4020風扇(Fan-4020-PW加購價:NT$158數量
Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 C),高大上AI開發板 配件:7寸IPS屏、攝像頭、64G、電源Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 C),高大上AI開發板 配件:7寸IPS屏、攝像頭、64G、電源加購價:NT$2,940數量
&NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01 4G專用外殼:金屬外殼 Jetson Nano Case (C) 帶雙攝像頭支&NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01 4G專用外殼:金屬外殼 Jetson Nano Case (C) 帶雙攝像頭支加購價:NT$504NT$5數量
#NVIDIA Jetson Nano 加購 5V4A電源 DC 5.5x2.5mm 5.5X2.1mm(NX、Orin系列不適#NVIDIA Jetson Nano 加購 5V4A電源 DC 5.5x2.5mm 5.5X2.1mm(NX、Orin系列不適加購價:NT$221數量
*NVIDIA Jetson Nano 加購 5V3A DC電源 5.5X(2.6-2.1)mm 內徑2.1,2.6mm二用*NVIDIA Jetson Nano 加購 5V3A DC電源 5.5X(2.6-2.1)mm 內徑2.1,2.6mm二用加購價:NT$315數量
Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 A),AI人工智能開發板 基礎配件:64G、電源Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 A),AI人工智能開發板 基礎配件:64G、電源加購價:NT$725數量
*NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 桌上型(全配1,不含主板)*NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 桌上型(全配1,不含主板)加購價:NT$1,980數量
▼NVIDIA JETSON NANO專用 JetRacer AI Kit配件包(不含主板、SD卡) 人工智能小車JetBot▼NVIDIA JETSON NANO專用 JetRacer AI Kit配件包(不含主板、SD卡) 人工智能小車JetBot加購價:NT$7,350數量
●NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01 4G專用外殼:壓克力外殼Jetson Nano Case (A)透明外殼不含風扇●NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01 4G專用外殼:壓克力外殼Jetson Nano Case (A)透明外殼不含風扇加購價:NT$263數量
●原裝台達 5V6A電源 適配器 監控機頂盒充電器 NVIDIA Jetson Nano(NX、Orin系列不適用)●原裝台達 5V6A電源 適配器 監控機頂盒充電器 NVIDIA Jetson Nano(NX、Orin系列不適用)加購價:NT$315數量
Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 B),玩轉AI圖像識別 配件:攝像頭、64G、電源Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 B),玩轉AI圖像識別 配件:攝像頭、64G、電源加購價:NT$1,365數量

支持Jetson NanoJetson Xavier NX
新版底板兼容Jetson Nano和Jetson Xavier NX兩款核心板,硬件升級更方便.



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會員 上瀛先生/小姐 詢問: 2024-05-31  16:39:09
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會員 上瀛先生/小姐 詢問: 2024-04-23  09:58:09
問題: 請問NVIDIA JETSON NANO 開發套件V3 (Kit B01) 64bit 4G內存,這個裝溫控風扇設定有說明書嗎?
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會員 上瀛先生/小姐 詢問: 2024-04-08  09:30:15
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Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 B),玩轉AI圖像識別 配件:攝像頭、64G、電源
Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 B),玩轉AI圖像識別 配件:攝像頭、64G、電源
&●7inch HDMI LCD (H) 樹莓派 7寸 IPS 電容觸摸屏 1024×600分辨率、JETSON NANO
&●7inch HDMI LCD (H) 樹莓派 7寸 IPS 電容觸摸屏 1024×600分辨率、JETSON NANO
*NVIDIA Jetson Nano 加購 5V3A DC電源 5.5X(2.6-2.1)mm 內徑2.1,2.6mm二用
*NVIDIA Jetson Nano 加購 5V3A DC電源 5.5X(2.6-2.1)mm 內徑2.1,2.6mm二用
&NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit(官方套件 8G版本40 TOPS)AI開發套件
&NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit(官方套件 8G版本40 TOPS)AI開發套件
*SanDisk 32G C10 microSD卡 不帶轉卡 (不帶資料,單卡) RPI SD
*SanDisk 32G C10 microSD卡 不帶轉卡 (不帶資料,單卡) RPI SD
#Jetson Nano B01適用 Intel AC8265 雙模無線網卡 (配6dbi天線),2G不適用
#Jetson Nano B01適用 Intel AC8265 雙模無線網卡 (配6dbi天線),2G不適用
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通知&(缺貨)NVIDIA JETSON NANO 開發套件V3 (Kit B01) 64bit 4G內存(外殼、電源、SD卡另

聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw