

SWD (2x5 1.27mm) Cable Breakout Board 電纜分線板


Description 描素
This adapter board is designed to make it easier to use ARM dev boards that use slimmer 2x5 (0.05"/1.27mm pitch) SWD cables for programming. It's helpful for using products like the JTAGulator, STLink or SEGGER J-Link with tiny boards that use the 10-pin SWD programming connector, often Cortex M0 or M3's.
此轉接板只在讓使用更纖薄的 2x5(0.05 吋/1.27 毫米間距)SWD 電纜的 ARM 開發板更容易用於編程。這有助於將JTAGulator、STLink或SEGGER J-Link等產品與微型板結合使用 。使用 10 針 SWD 編程連接器,通常是 Cortex M0 或 M3。
This board comes with no cables. It's really just the breakout board and some header if you need it - but is super helpful when you want to use JTAG/SWD debugging. We do stock the SWD cable if you need one here and have a 'classic' JTAG to SWD converter board here.
該板不帶電纜。它實際上只是分線板和一些標頭(如果您需要的話) - 但當您想要使用 JTAG/SWD 調試時非常有用。如果您需要,我們這裡備有 SWD 電纜,並且這裡有一個“經典”JTAG 到 SWD 轉換器板。

Technical Details 技術細節
- 14mm x 18mm x 7mm / 0.55" x 0.7" x 0.3"
- Weight: 1g
- EagleCAD PCB Files on GitHub
- Fritzing object in Adafruit Fritzing library

Revision History 修訂紀錄 :
As of October 2022 – we've updated this PCB with Adafruit Pinguin to make a lovely and legible silkscreen - you may get the new PCB or the older version with vector fonts - both are identical other than the fancy silkscreen.
截至 2022 年 10 月,我們已使用 Adafruit Pinguin 更新了此PCB,以製作出可愛且清晰的絲印- 您可能會獲得帶有矢量字體的新PCB 或舊版本- 除了花哨的絲印之外,兩者都是相同的。
