JP's Product Pick of the Week (2020/01/09):https://youtu.be/tiSPHhKIeEA
What is STEMMA QT 影片說明: https://youtu.be/6GXRRuFuFy0
Bosch has stepped up their game with their new BMP280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature, barometric pressure that is the next generation upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183. This sensor is great for all sorts of weather sensing and can even be used in both I2C and SPI!
博世推出了全新的BMP280傳感器,這是一種具有溫度,氣壓的環境傳感器,是BMP085 / BMP180 / BMP183的下一代升級產品,可進一步提高競爭力。該傳感器非常適合各種天氣傳感,甚至可以在I2C和SPI中使用!
This precision sensor from Bosch is the best low-cost, precision sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute accuracy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Because pressure changes with altitude and the pressure measurements are so good, you can also use it as an altimeter with ±1 meter accuracy.
博世的這款精密傳感器是用於測量大氣壓力的絕對低成本,高精度的最佳解決方案,絕對精度為±1 hPa,溫度精度為±1.0°C。由於壓力隨高度變化,並且壓力測量值非常好,因此您也可以將其用作高度計,精度為±1米。
The BMP280 is the next-generation of sensors from Bosch and is the upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183 - with a low altitude noise of 0.25m and the same fast conversion time. It has the same specifications but can use either I2C or SPI. For simple easy wiring, go with I2C. If you want to connect a bunch of sensors without worrying about I2C address collisions, go with SPI.
BMP280是博世的下一代傳感器,是BMP085 / BMP180 / BMP183的升級產品-0.25m的低海拔噪聲和相同的快速轉換時間。它具有相同的規格,但可以使用I2C或SPI。為了實現簡單易用的接線,請使用I2C。如果要連接一堆傳感器而不必擔心I2C地址衝突,請使用SPI。。
Nice sensor right? So we made it easy for you to get right into your next project. The surface-mount sensor is soldered onto a custom made PCB and comes with a 3.3V regulator and level shifting so you can use it with a 3V or 5V logic microcontroller without worry. The breakout is made in the STEMMA QT form factor, making them easy to interface with. The STEMMA QT connectors on either side are compatible with the SparkFun Qwiic I2C connectors. This allows you to make solderless connections between your development board and the BME280 or to chain it with a wide range of other sensors and accessories using a compatible cable.
不錯的傳感器對嗎?因此,我們使您輕鬆進入下一個項目。表面貼裝傳感器以STEMMA QT 尺寸係數焊接到定制的PCB上,使其易於連接。的 家系QT連接器 在任一側都與兼容 SparkFun Qwiic I2C連接器。這樣,您就可以在開發板和BMP280之間建立無焊接連接,或者使用兼容的電纜將其與各種其他傳感器和配件鏈接起來 。不包括QT電纜,但我們的商店種類繁多。
We’ve of course broken out all the pins to standard headers and added a voltage regulator and level shifting so allow you to use it with either 3.3V or 5V systems such as the Metro M4 or Arduino Uno respectively.
當然,我們已經將所有引腳斷開到標準接頭,並添加了電壓調節器和電平轉換,因此您可以將其分別用於3.3V或5V系統,例如Metro M4或Arduino Uno。
Datasheets, PCB CAD files, Fritzing object and more available in the product tutorial!
As of July 2, 2020 we've updated this sensor to be STEMMA QT compatible - that means there's now an easy way to plug-and-play this sensor without any soldering! The physical shape has changed but the pinout is identical to the non-QT earlier version
截至2020年7月2日,我們已將該傳感器更新為與STEMMA QT兼容-這意味著現在有一種簡便的方法可以即插即用而無需焊接!物理形狀已更改,但引腳排列與非QT早期版本相同。
Product Dimensions尺寸: 19.2mm x 17.9mm x 2.9mm / 0.8" x 0.7" x 0.1"
Product Weight: 1.3g / 0.0oz
Adafruit BMP280 I2C or SPI Barometric Pressure 氣壓 & Altitude Sensor 高度傳感器 (ada2651)
Product Dimensions: 19.2mm x 17.9mm x 2.9mm
0.8" x 0.7" x 0.1"
Product Weight: 1.3g / 0.0oz
參考影片 https://youtu.be/oyMzxBGFXcM
Bosch has stepped up their game with their new BMP280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature, barometric pressure that is the next generation upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183. This sensor is great for all sorts of weather sensing and can even be used in both I2C and SPI!
This precision sensor from Bosch is the best low-cost, precision sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute accuraccy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Because pressure changes with altitude, and the pressure measurements are so good, you can also use it as an altimeter with ±1 meter accuracy.
The BMP280 is the next-generation of sensors from Bosch, and is the upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183 - with a low altitude noise of 0.25m and the same fast conversion time. It has the same specifications, but can use either I2C orSPI. For simple easy wiring, go with I2C. If you want to connect a bunch of sensors without worrying about I2C address collisions, go with SPI.
Nice sensor right? So we made it easy for you to get right into your next project. The surface-mount sensor is soldered onto a PCB and comes with a 3.3V regulator and level shifting so you can use it with a 3V or 5V logic microcontroller without worry. We even wrote up a nice tutorial with wiring diagrams, schematics, libraries and examples to get you running in 10 minutes!
And make sure to check the tutorial for example code for Arduino and CircuitPython, pinouts, assembly, wiring, downloads, and more!
Adafruit Metro M4 feat. Microchip ATSAMD51 (ada3382)