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●Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express 開發板(ada4062)

Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express 開發板(ada4062)


  • ARM Cortex M4F (with HW floating point acceleration) running at 64MHz
  • 1MB flash and 256KB SRAM
  • Native Open Source USB stack - pre-programmed with UF2 bootloader
  • Bluetooth Low Energy compatible 2.4GHz radio (Details available in the nRF52840 product specification)
  • FCC / IC / TELEC certified module
  • Up to +8dBm output power
  • 1.7v to 3.3v operation with internal linear and DC/DC voltage regulators
  • 21 GPIO, 6 x 12-bit ADC pins, up to 12 PWM outputs (3 PWM modules with 4 outputs each)
  • Pin #3 red LED for general purpose blinking, NeoPixel for colorful feedback
  • Power/enable pin
  • Measures 2.0" x 0.9" x 0.28" (51mm x 23mm x 7.2mm) without headers soldered in
  • Light as a (large?) feather - 6 grams
  • 4 mounting holes
  • Reset button
  • SWD connector for debugging
  • Works out of the box with all of our Adafruit FeatherWings! (Even the UART-using ones like the GPS FeatherWing)


   The Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express is the new Feather family member with Bluetooth Low Energy and native USB support featuring the nRF52840!  It's our take on an 'all-in-one' Arduino-compatible + Bluetooth Low Energy with built in USB plus battery charging. With native USB it's even ready to join the CircuitPython party. We have other boards in the Feather family, check'em out here.  
該Adafruit的羽毛nRF52840快車是新的羽毛家庭成員與低功耗藍牙和原生USB支持為特色的nRF52840!這是我們採用內置 USB 和電池充電的“一體式”Arduino 兼容 + 低功耗藍牙。有了原生 USB,它甚至可以加入 CircuitPython 派對。Feather 系列中還有其他板子,請在此處查看。
   This chip has twice the flash, and four times the SRAM of it's earlier sibling, the nRF52832 - 1 MB of FLASH and 256KB of SRAM. Compared to the nRF51, this board has 4-8 times more of everything.
 該芯片的閃存是其早期兄弟 nRF52832 的兩倍,SRAM 的四倍 - 1 MB 閃存和 256KB SRAM。與 nRF51 相比,這塊板的所有東西都多 4-8 倍。
   For this chip, we've added Arduino IDE support - you can program the nRF52840 chip directly to take full advantage of the Cortex-M4 processor, and then calling into the Nordic SoftDevice radio stack when you need to communicate over BLE. Since the underlying API and peripherals are the same for the '832 and '840, you can supercharge your older nRF52832 projects with the same exact code, with a single recompile!
對於該芯片,我們添加了 Arduino IDE 支持- 您可以直接對 nRF52840 芯片進行編程以充分利用 Cortex-M4 處理器,然後在需要通過 BLE 進行通信時調用 Nordic SoftDevice 無線電堆棧。由於 '832 和 '840 的底層 API 和外設是相同的,您可以使用完全相同的代碼為舊的 nRF52832 項目增壓,只需重新編譯一次!
   We've also chosen this chip for our first BLE-friendly CircuitPython board! CircuitPython works best with disk drive access, and this is the only BLE-plus-USB-native chip that has the memory to handle running a the little Python interpreter. The massive RAM and speedy Cortex M4F chip makes this a good match.
我們還為我們的第一個 BLE 友好的 CircuitPython 板選擇了該芯片!CircuitPython 最適合磁盤驅動器訪問,這是唯一具有內存來處理運行小型 Python 解釋器的 BLE 加 USB 原生芯片。巨大的 RAM 和快速的 Cortex M4F 芯片使其成為一個很好的匹配。
   It's got tons of awesome peripherals: plenty of GPIO, analog inputs, PWM, timers, etc. Best of all, it's got that native USB! Finally, no need for a separate USB serial chip like CP2104 or FT232. Serial is handled as a USB CDC descriptor, and the chip can act like a keyboard, mouse, MIDI device or even disk drive. This chip has TinyUSB support - that means you can use it with Arduino as a native USB device and act as UART (CDC), HID, Mass Storage, MIDI and more!
它有大量很棒的外設:大量的 GPIO、模擬輸入、PWM、定時器等。最重要的是,它有原生 USB!最後,不需要像 CP2104 或 FT232 這樣的單獨的 USB 串行芯片。串行作為 USB CDC 描述符處理,芯片可以充當鍵盤、鼠標、MIDI 設備甚至磁盤驅動器。該芯片支持 TinyUSB - 這意味著您可以將它與 Arduino 一起用作本機 USB 設備並充當 UART (CDC)、HID、大容量存儲、MIDI 等!
   Some other upgrades we've tossed in are an extra 'USER' switch that could be used to trigger OTA updates (or whatever you choose), a NeoPixel LED for status updates, 2 MB of QSPI Flash for storing CircuitPython files, and a SWD connector.
我們投入的其他一些升級包括一個額外的“用戶”開關,可用於觸發 OTA 更新(或您選擇的任何內容)、一個用於狀態更新的 NeoPixel LED、用於存儲 CircuitPython 文件的 2 MB QSPI 閃存和一個 SWD連接器。
   We pre-programed the chip with our UF2 bootloader, which can use either commandline UART programming with nrfutil (we use this for Arduino) or drag-n-drop mass storage, for CircuitPython installation and also because mass-storage-drive bootloaders make updating firmware so easy. Want to program the chip directly? You can use our command line tools with your favorite editor and toolchain. If you want to use an SWD programmer/debugger (for even more advanced usage), we have a standard 2x5 0.05" connector.
我們使用我們的 UF2 引導加載程序對芯片進行了預編程,它可以使用帶有 nrfutil 的命令行 UART 編程(我們將它用於 Arduino)或拖放大容量存儲,用於 CircuitPython 安裝,也因為大容量存儲驅動引導加載程序進行更新固件如此簡單。想直接對芯片進行編程?您可以將我們的命令行工具與您最喜歡的編輯器和工具鏈一起使用。如果您想使用 SWD 編程器/調試器(用於更高級的用途),我們有一個標準的 2x5 0.05" 連接器。
   Best of all, we've done all the heavy lifting of getting the low level BLE stack into shape so you can focus on your project from day one! The example code works great with our existing iOS and Android app.
最重要的是,我們已經完成了使低級別 BLE 堆棧成形的所有繁重工作,因此您可以從一開始就專注於您的項目!示例代碼適用於我們現有的 iOS 和 Android 應用程序。
  Bluetooth Low Energy is the hottest new low-power, 2.4GHz spectrum wireless protocol. In particular, it's the only wireless protocol that you can use with iOS without needing special certification, and it's supported by all modern smart phones. This makes it excellent for use in portable projects that will make use of an iOS or Android phone or tablet. It also is supported in Mac OS X and Windows 8+.
低功耗藍牙是最熱門的新型低功耗 2.4GHz 頻譜無線協議。特別是,它是唯一可以在 iOS 上使用而無需特殊認證的無線協議,並且所有現代智能手機都支持它。這使其非常適合用於使用 iOS 或 Android 手機或平板電腦的便攜式項目。Mac OS X 和 Windows 8+ 也支持它。
  To make it easy to use for portable projects, we added a connector for any of our 3.7V Lithium polymer batteries and built in battery charging. You don't need a battery because it will run just fine straight from the micro USB connector. But, if you do have a battery, you can take it on the go, then plug in the USB to recharge. The Feather will automatically switch over to USB power when it's available. We also tied the battery thru a divider to an analog pin, so you can measure and monitor the battery voltage to detect when you need a recharge.
為了便於便攜式項目使用,我們為任何 3.7V 鋰聚合物電池添加了一個連接器,並內置電池充電功能。您不需要電池,因為它可以直接從微型 USB 連接器正常運行。但是,如果您有電池,則可以隨身攜帶,然後插入 USB 進行充電。Feather 將在可用時自動切換到 USB 電源。我們還通過分壓器將電池連接到模擬引腳,因此您可以測量和監控電池電壓以檢測何時需要充電。
The Power of Bluefruit LE Bluefruit LE 的力量
  The Bluefruit LE module is an nRF52840 chipset from Nordic, which can be used as both a main microcontroller and a bluetooth low energy interface. For most people, they'll be very happy to use the standard Nordic UART RX/TX connection profile - code is provided! In this profile, the Bluefruit acts as a data pipe, that can 'transparently' transmit back and forth from your iOS or Android device. You can use our iOS App or Android App, or write your own to communicate with the UART service.
Bluefruit LE 模塊是來自 Nordic 的 nRF52840 芯片組,可用作主微控制器和藍牙低功耗接口。對於大多數人來說,他們會很樂意使用標準的 Nordic UART RX/TX 連接配置文件 - 提供了代碼!在此配置文件中,Bluefruit 充當數據管道,可以“透明地”從您的 iOS 或 Android 設備來回傳輸。您可以使用我們的 iOS 應用程序 或 Android 應用程序,或 編寫自己的應用程序與 UART 服務進行通信。
  The board is capable of much more than just sending strings over the air!  Thanks to an Arduino wrapper library, you have full control over how the device behaves, including the ability to define and manipulate your own GATT Services and Characteristics, or change the way that the device advertises itself for other Bluetooth Low Energy devices to see.
該板的功能不僅僅是通過空中發送字符串!借助 Arduino 包裝器庫,您可以完全控制設備的行為方式,包括定義和操作您自己的 GATT 服務和特性的能力,或更改設備向其他低功耗藍牙設備宣傳自身的方式。

Use the Bluefruit App to get your project started 使用 Bluefruit 應用程序啟動您的項目


  Using our Bluefruit iOS App or Android App, you can quickly get your project prototyped by using your iOS or Android phone/tablet as a controller. We have a color pickerquaternion/accelerometer/gyro/magnetometer or location (GPS), and an 8-button control game pad. This data can be read over BLE and processed directly by the nRF52 microcontroller
使用我們的 Bluefruit iOS 應用程序 或 Android 應用程序,您可以通過將您的 iOS 或 Android 手機/平板電腦用作控制器來快速製作您的項目原型。我們有一個 顏色選擇器、四元數/加速度計/陀螺儀/磁力計或位置 (GPS)和一個 8 鍵 控制遊戲板。該數據可以通過 BLE 讀取並由 nRF52 微控制器直接處理
  Comes fully assembled and tested, with a USB bootloader that lets you quickly use it with the Arduino IDE or to install CircuitPython. We also toss in some header so you can solder it in and plug into a solderless breadboard. Lipoly battery and MicroUSB cable not included (but we do have lots of options in the shop if you'd like!)
完全組裝和測試,帶有 USB 引導加載程序,可讓您快速將其與 Arduino IDE 一起使用或安裝 CircuitPython。我們還加入了一些接頭,以便您可以將其焊接並插入無焊麵包板。 不包括Lipoly 電池和MicroUSB 電纜 (但如果您願意,我們在商店裡有很多選擇!)





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通知●Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express 開發板(ada4062)

聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw