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#Adafruit Metro Mini 328 - 5V 16MHz(ada2590),升級Type-C USB版本

Adafruit Metro Mini 328 V2 - Arduino-Compatible - 5V 16MHz - STEMMA QT / Qwiic(ada5597、ada2590)
新版 Metro Mini 328 V2(Type-C版本),兼容Arduino 5V 16MHz (ada5597)STEMMA QT / Qwiic

(已停產,新版為type-C接口)Adafruit Metro Mini 328 - 5V 16MHz(microUSB版本)ada2590





What is STEMMA QT 影片說明 https://youtu.be/6GXRRuFuFy0

  One of our star development boards is the Adafruit METRO Mini 328, an excellent lil fellow that lets you make your Arduino-based project tiny. Recently we had to redesign this board to move from the obsolete CP2104 to the available CP2102N and one thing led to another and before you know it we made a completely refreshed design: the Adafruit METRO Mini 328 V2.我們的明星開發板之一是 Adafruit METRO Mini 328,它是一個優秀的小伙伴,可讓您將基於 Arduino 的項目變得很小。 最近,我們不得不重新設計這塊電路板,從過時的 CP2104 轉移到可用的 CP2102N,一件事導致另一件事,在您知道之前,我們做了一個完全更新的設計:Adafruit METRO Mini 328 V2。
  The V2 is a significant redesign, enough so we consider it a completely new product. It still features the ATmega328 chip but has many upgrades and improvements:/V2 是一個重大的重新設計,足以讓我們認為它是一個全新的產品。 它仍然採用 ATmega328 芯片,但有許多升級和改進: 
  • Same ATmega328 chip, running at 16 MHz, which makes it compatible with all Arduino UNO based libraries, codes and examples
  • Same pinout and size, same mounting hole locations.
  • Additional STEMMA QT port for plug and play I2C connections
  • USB Type C port instead of Micro B
  • Upgraded USB to serial converter from CP2104 to CP2102 - same great reliable drivers!
  • Can still be set to use 3.3V power and logic by soldering a jumper on the bottom.
  The METRO Mini V2 works great with the Arduino IDE, and runs the ATmega328P at 16MHz so it is pin-compatible with Arduino UNO R3 - note you won't be able to plug in shields, but great for use with breadboards. You can use this with the Arduino IDE (both desktop and cloud version) by selecting 'Arduino UNO' in the Boards menu./ METRO Mini V2 與 Arduino IDE 配合得很好,並以 16MHz 運行 ATmega328P,因此它與 Arduino UNO R3 引腳兼容 - 請注意,您將無法插入屏蔽,但非常適合與麵包板一起使用。 通過在 Boards 菜單中選擇“Arduino UNO”,您可以將其與 Arduino IDE(桌面版和雲版)一起使用。
  We sure love the ATmega328 here at Adafruit, and we use them a lot for our own projects. The processor has plenty of GPIO, Analog inputs, hardware UART SPI and I2C, timers, and PWM galore - just enough for most simple projects. When we need to go really small, we use a QT Py, but if you want to have USB-to-Serial built in and lots of GPIO, we reach for an Adafruit METRO Mini V2./ 我們非常喜歡 Adafruit 的 ATmega328,我們在自己的項目中經常使用它們。 該處理器有大量的 GPIO、模擬輸入、硬件 UART SPI 和 I2C、定時器和豐富的 PWM——對於大多數簡單的項目來說已經足夠了。 當我們需要變得非常小時,我們使用 QT Py,但如果您想要內置 USB-to-Serial 和大量 GPIO,我們會使用 Adafruit METRO Mini V2。
  METRO Mini V2 is the culmination of years of playing with AVRs: we wanted to make a tiny, breadboard-friendly development board that is easy to use and has a STEMMA QT port for plug and play support with hundreds of devices. Metro Mini can be programmed with the Arduino IDE (select 'UNO' in the boards dropdown) / METRO Mini V2 是多年使用 AVR 的結晶:我們希望製作一款易於使用的小型、適用於麵包板的開發板,並具有 STEMMA QT 端口,可支持數百種設備的即插即用。 Metro Mini 可以使用 Arduino IDE 進行編程(在板下拉菜單中選擇“UNO”)
  •   ATmega328 brains - This popular chip has 32KB of flash (1/2 K is reserved for the bootloader), 2KB of RAM, clocked at 16MHz
  •   Power the METRO Mini with 6-16V polarity protected on the Vin pin, or plug the micro USB connector to any 5V USB source.
  •   METRO has 20 GPIO pins, 6 of which are Analog in as well, and 2 of which are reserved for the USB-serial converter. There's also 6 PWMs available on 3 timers (1 x 16-bit, 2 x 8-bit). There's a hardware SPI port, hardware I2C port, and hardware UART to USB.
  •   GPIO Logic level is 5V but by cutting and soldering closed a jumper on the bottom, you can easily convert it to 3.3V logic
  •   5V onboard regulator with 150mA out, separate 3.3V 500mA regulator is also available.
  •   USB to Serial converter, there's a genuine SiLabs CP2102N hardware USB to Serial converter that can be used by any computer to listen/send data to the METRO, and can also be used to launch and update code via the bootloader
  •   USB C power and data
  •   Four indicator LEDs, on the top of the PCB, for easy debugging. One green power LED, two RX/TX LEDs for the UART, and a red LED connected to pin PB5 / digital #13
  •   Easy reprogramming, comes pre-loaded with the Optiboot bootloader
  •   Beautiful styling by PaintYourDragon and Bruce Yan, in Adafruit Black with gold plated pads.

   The Metro Mini comes as a fully assembled and tested board, with bootloader burned in and also some 0.1" header. Some light soldering is required if you'd like to plug it into a breadboard, or you can solder wires or header directly to the breakout pads. Once headers are installed they can be fitted into 0.6" wide sockets/ Metro Mini 是完全組裝和測試的板,帶有燒錄的引導加載程序和一些 0.1" 接頭。如果您想將其插入麵包板,則需要進行一些輕焊,或者您可以將電線或接頭直接焊接到 分線墊。一旦安裝了接頭,它們就可以安裝到 0.6" 寬的插座中.

  Mac & Windows People! Don't forget to grab the SiLabs CP210x drivers from SiLabs to make the COM/Serial port show up right... The default OS drivers may not support the interface chip/ Mac 和 Windows 人! 不要忘記從 SiLabs 獲取 SiLabs CP210x 驅動程序,以使 COM/Serial 端口正確顯示... 默認操作系統驅動程序可能不支持接口芯片.


Technical Details
Revision History(修改):
  • As of Nov 8th 2016, we are now shipping with the SiLabs CP2104 - a high quality USB-to-Serial converter that performs as well or better than the FTDI series截至 2016 年 11 月 8 日,我們現在發貨的是 SiLabs CP2104 - 一款性能與 FTDI 系列一樣或更好的高質量 USB 轉串行轉換器

Detailed specifications:
  • ATmega328 microcontroller with Optiboot (UNO) Bootloader
  • USB Programming and debugging via the well-supported genuine FTDI FT231X or the SiLabs CP2104
  • Input voltage (Vin): 6-16V (a 9VDC power supply is recommended)
  • 5V logic with 3.3V compatible inputs, can be converted to 3.3V logic operation
  • 20 Digital I/O Pins: 6 are also PWM outputs and 6 are also Analog Inputs
  • 32KB Flash Memory - 0.5K for bootloader, 31.5KB available after bootloading
  • 16MHz Clock Speed
  • Adafruit Black PCB with gold plate on pads
  • 18mm x 44mm x 4mm / 0.7" x 1.7" x 0.2"
  • Weight: 3g
  • Derivative of "Arduino UNO R3 Reference design" 
  • Open source hardware files on github!
  • Fritzing object in the Adafruit Fritzing Library
  • ATmega328P product page
RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant

RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant 


Create animatronic animals with attitude.
Create your own SMS-controlled door lock
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Wearable-friendly illuminated controls for your project 


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通知#Adafruit Metro Mini 328 - 5V 16MHz(ada2590),升級Type-C USB版本

聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw