ATWINC1500 WiFi Breakout with uFL Connector - fw 19.4.4
ATWINC1500 WiFi Breakout with uFL Connector-fw 19.4.4 模組(ada3060)不含外置天線 (模組上帶ipex 接口)
Connect your Arduino to the Internet with this fine new FCC-certified WiFi module from Atmel. This 802.11bgn-capable WiFi module is the best new thing for networking your devices, with SSL support and rock solid performance - running our adafruit.io MQTT demo for a full weekend straight with no hiccups (it would have run longer but we had to go to work, so we unplugged it). We like these so much, they've completely replaced the CC3000 module on all our projects.
The Adafruit ATWINC1500 WiFi Breakout uses SPI to communicate, so with about 6 wires, you can get your wired up and ready to go. Right now the Atmel-supplied library works great with Arduino Zero, and seems to work OK on Uno but may not work on other Arduinos. You can clock it as fast as 12MHz for speedy, reliable packet streaming. And scanning/connecting to networks is very fast, a few seconds.
This module works with 802.11b, g, or n networks & supports WEP, WPA and WPA2 encryption. You can use it in Soft AP mode to create an ad-hoc network. For secure client connections, there is TLS 1.2 support in firmware 19.4.4!/該模組適用於802.11b,g或n網路,並支援WEP,WPA和WPA2加密。您可以在軟 AP 模式下使用它來建立點對點網路。對於安全的用戶端連接,固件 19.4.4 中支援 TLS 1.2!
Since this is our new favoritest SPI-protocol WiFi module we've decided to make a little breakout for it. The breakout comes with level shifting on all the input pins so you can use it with 3V or 5V logic. A 3.3V voltage regulator that can handle the 300mA spikes lets you power from 3-5.5VDC. There's also 3 LEDs that you can control over the SPI interface (part of the library code) or you can have controlled by the Arduino library. They'll light up when connected to an SSID, or transmitting data.
Note: This version does not come with an onboard antenna, you will need a uFL connector antenna such as 2.4GHz Mini Flexible WiFi Antenna - not included! We have a version with on-board antenna as well
注意:此版本不附帶板載天線,您將需要uFL連接器天線,例如2.4GHz迷你柔性WiFi天線 - 不包括在內! 我們還有一個帶有板載天線的版本。
Comes with a stick of header you can solder on, to plug into a breadboard and a set of tutorials & code so you can follow along!
〔Technical Details〕
- 尺寸:33mm x 28mm x 4mm / 1.3" x 1.1" x 0.16"
- Weight: 4.4g