Sparkfun原廠 Arduino and Breadboard Holder 底坐板 (DEV-11235)
We’ve been prototyping for a long time on these awesome little plastic plates but it’s time for an upgrade. This version still holds an Arduino and a self-adhesive clear breadboard but we’ve done away with the plastic clips and now provide screws which give you a more solid and simple connection. Also, because the outside dimensions of the board don’t matter anymore, this plate can be used with any board that has the Arduino mounting holes. The Arduino Uno, The Leonardo, FEZ Panda even the Electric Sheep can all be screwed down to the base plate for easy prototyping. You can even mount the board facing either way you like./我們已經在這些很棒的小塑料板上製作原型很長時間了,但現在是升級的時候了。
這個版本仍然包含一個 Arduino 和一個自粘透明麵包板,但我們已經取消了塑料夾,現在提供螺絲,讓您的連接更加牢固和簡單。
此外,由於電路板的外部尺寸不再重要,因此該板可用於任何具有 Arduino 安裝孔的電路板。
Arduino Uno、Leonardo、FEZ Panda 甚至 Electric Sheep 都可以擰到底板上,以便輕鬆製作原型。您甚至可以按照自己喜歡的方式安裝電路板。
This prototyping holder includes 2 screws for mounting your favorite dev board. The self-adhesive breadboard that fits this plate can be found in the related items below./這個原型支架包括 2 個螺絲,用於安裝您最喜歡的開發板。適用於此板的自粘麵包板可在下面的相關項目中找到。