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▼新套件 Sparkfun 原廠 Sensor Kit (KIT-21286)




 Sparkfun 原廠 Sensor Kit  (DEV-13754)

  Do you have a good understanding of various sensors or need a variety of them for a project? The SparkFun Sensor Kit includes a sensor for just about every job. With everything included in this kit, you'll be able to sense gesture, humidity, temperature, motion, touch, sound, altitude, acceleration and more! These are some of our favorite sensors from each category. But wait, there's more! The SparkFun Sensor Kit now includes several of our sensor boards that feature the Qwiic Connect System for rapid prototyping!/您是否對各種傳感器有很好的了解或需要為一個項目使用各種傳感器?SparkFun 傳感器套件包括適用於幾乎所有工作的傳感器。使用此套件中的所有組件,您將能夠感知手勢、濕度、溫度、運動、觸摸、聲音、高度、加速度等!這些是每個類別中我們最喜歡的一些傳感器。但是等等,還有更多!SparkFun 傳感器套件現在包括我們的幾個傳感器板,這些板具有用於快速原型製作的 Qwiic 連接系統!

  Check out the Includes section for a complete list of what is included in this kit to find out what has changed. This huge assortment of sensors makes an amazing gift for that very special electronics enthusiast in your life!/查看包含部分以獲取此套件中包含的內容的完整列表,以了解更改內容。種類繁多的傳感器是送給您生活中非常特別的電子產品愛好者的絕佳禮物!

  The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. All Qwiic-enabled boards use a common 1mm pitch, 4-pin JST connector. This reduces the amount of required PCB space, and polarized connections mean you can’t hook it up wrong./SparkFun Qwiic Connect 系統是一個由 I 2 C 傳感器、執行器、防護罩和電纜組成的生態系統,可加快原型製作速度並降低出錯率。所有支持 Qwiic 的電路板都使用通用的 1mm 間距、4 針 JST 連接器。這減少了所需的 PCB 空間量,極化連接意味著您不會將其連接錯誤。

Kit Includes:【清單】:

  • Large Piezo Vibration Sensor - With Mass 〕:震動傳感器(SEN-09197)
  • Reed Switch 〕:彈簧管*(料/零件)
  • 0.25" Magnet Square 〕:磁鐵(COM-08643)
  • 0.5" Force Sensitive Resistor 〕:0.5寸壓力傳感器(SEN-09375)
  • Flex Sensor - 2.2" 〕:
  • SoftPot 〕:薄膜電位器50mm(SEN-08680)
  • Mini Photocell 〕: 光敏電阻*(料/零件)
  • PIR Motion Sensor 〕:PIR 模組(SEN-13285)
  • QRD1114 Optical Detector/Phototransistor 〕:光電晶體(料/零件)
  • IR Diode 〕:紅外發射器*(料/零件)
  • IR Receiver Diode 〕:紅外接收器*(料/零件)
  • Resistor 1.0M Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH〕: 1M 歐 電阻*
  • Resistor 10K Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH - 20 pack (Thick Leads) 〕:10K歐 電阻*
  • Resistor 330 Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH - 20 pack (Thick Leads)〕: 330歐 電阻*
  • SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ISM330DHCX, MMC5983MA (Qwiic) 〕:9軸模組(SEN-19895)
  • SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280 (Qwiic) 〕:大氣模組(SEN-15440)
  • SparkFun Indoor Air Quality Sensor - ENS160 (Qwiic) 〕:空氣模組(SEN-20844)
  • SparkFun Capacitive Touch Slider - CAP1203 (Qwiic) 〕:電容式觸摸模組(SEN-15344)
  • Flexible Qwiic Cable - 100mm 〕:
  • RGB and Gesture Sensor - APDS-9960 〕:手勢模組(SEN-12787)
  • Soil Moisture Sensor (with screw terminals) 〕:土壤溼度模組(帶端子/SEN-13637)
  • Sound Detector 〕:聲音探測模組(SEN-12642)
  • Break Away Headers - Straight 〕:直排針*(料/零件)





  • Large Piezo Vibration Sensor - With Mass 〕:
    A flexible film able to sense for vibration, touch, shock, etc. When the film moves back and forth an AC wave is created, with a voltage of up to ±90.
  • eed Switch 〕:
    Senses magnetic fields, makes for a great non-contact switch.
  • 0.25" Magnet Square 〕:
    Plays nicely with the reed switch. Embed the magnet into stuffed animals or inside a box to create a hidden actuator to the reed switch.
  • 0.5" Force Sensitive Resistor 〕:
    A force-sensing resistor with a 0.5" diameter sensing area. Great for sensing pressure (i.e., if it's being squeezed).
  • Flex Sensor - 2.2" 〕:
    As the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Useful for sensing motion or positioning.
  • SoftPot 〕:
    These are very thin variable potentiometers. By pressing on various positions along the strip, you vary the resistance.
  • Mini Photocell 〕: 
    The photocell will vary its resistance based on how much light it's exposed to. Will vary from 1kΩ in the light to 10kΩ in the dark.
  • PIR Motion Sensor 〕:
    Easy-to-use motion detector with an analog interface. Power it with 5-12VDC, and you'll be alerted of any movement.
  • QRD1114 Optical Detector/Phototransistor 〕:
    An all-in-one infrared emitter and detector. Ideal for sensing black-to-white transitions or can be used to detect nearby objects.
  • IR Diode 〕:
    This LED can handle up to 50mA of current and outputs in the 940-950nm IR spectrum. Use to send signal to talk to the included IR receiver diode or just turn off your neighbor's TV.
  • IR Receiver Diode 〕:
    This simple IR receiver will detect an IR signal coming from a standard IR remote control or the IR diode included in the kit.
  • Resistor 1.0M Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH〕: 
    Two 1/4 Watt, +/- 5% tolerance PTH resistors. Commonly used in breadboards and perf boards. The large resistor helps dampen any voltage spikes when using the large piezo vibration sensor with a microcontroller.
  • Resistor 10K Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH - 20 pack (Thick Leads) 〕:
    1/4 Watt, +/- 5% tolerance PTH resistors. Commonly used in breadboards and perf boards, these 10KΩ resistors make excellent pullups, pulldowns, and current limiters.
  • Resistor 330 Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH - 20 pack (Thick Leads)〕: 
    1/4 Watt +/- 5% tolerance PTH resistors. Commonly used in breadboards and perf boards, these 330Ω resistors make excellent current-limiting resistors for LEDs.
  • SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ISM330DHCX, MMC5983MA (Qwiic) 〕:
    This breakout board includes a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, and 3-axis magnetometer. Connect this board over I2C using a Qwiic cable or solder wires or headers to the SPI pins to get started using one of the three sensors or using all three together to determine 3D orientation.
  • SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280 (Qwiic) 〕:
    The SparkFun BME280 Atmospheric Sensor Breakout is an easy way to measure barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature readings, all without taking up too much space.
  • SparkFun Indoor Air Quality Sensor - ENS160 (Qwiic) 〕:
    The SparkFun ENS160 Indoor Air Quality Sensor is a digital multi-gas sensor solution with four sensor elements that can be used in a wide range of applications including building automation, smart home, and HVAC.
  • SparkFun Capacitive Touch Slider - CAP1203 (Qwiic) 〕:
    This little board acts great as a non-mechanical button. Use the three pads on the board or connect your own input for a great touch button or slider with no moving parts.
  • Flexible Qwiic Cable - 100mm 〕:
    Use these to connect up to four Qwiic boards in your kit.
  • RGB and Gesture Sensor - APDS-9960 〕:
    This board does a little bit of everything. You can measure ambient light or color as well as detect proximity and do gesture sensing all over I2C.
  • Soil Moisture Sensor (with screw terminals) 〕:
    Ever wonder if your plant needs water? This sensor outputs an analog signal based on the resistance of the soil. Since water is conductive, the soil water content will be reflected in the soil resistance.
  • Sound Detector 〕:
    Ever need to know if there is noise in an area? This board will not only tell you, but it will also output amplitude as well as the full audio signal.
  • Break Away Headers - Straight 〕:
    Solder these pins to any of the breakouts to prototype on a breadboard. You'll want to solder these to boards that do not have Qwiic connectors such as the gesture sensor and sound detector.






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聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw