
SparkFun 原廠 1.54 inch ePaper Bare Display (SPX-14848)
You may be familiar with ePaper or eInk displays from eReaders like the Kindle. This display is the next step up with three colors instead of the classic two. The displays really do seem like paper, with easy visibility from almost any angle and even in sunlight. It also features ultra low power consumption. You can even unplug the display entirely without losing your image! This display does take 14 seconds to refresh, but it is ideal for applications where information is updated infrequently, like a weather station or a high tech label.
This 1.54" ePaper display uses black, white, and red pigments on a 152 by 152 pixel matrix.
We do not plan to regularly produce SparkX products so get them while they’re hot!
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