SparkFun Micro Magnetometer 微型磁力計 - MMC5983MA (Qwiic) (SEN-19921)
The SparkFun Qwiic Micro MMC5983MA Magnetometer is a micro-sized, 0.75in. by 0.30in. sensor that utilizes the highly sensitive triple-axis magnetometer by MEMSIC. We've attached the magnetometer IC onto an incredibly small Qwiic board form factor that we like to call Qwiic Micro! The MMC5983MA is capable of sensing down to 0.4mG, enabling a heading accuracy of ±0.5°. The Qwiic MMC5983MA IMU communicates over I2C by default utilizing our handy Qwiic Connect System, so no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your boards.
星火趣Qwiic微型MMC5983MA磁力計是一款微型0.75英寸。0.30英寸利用MEMSIC的高靈敏度三軸磁力計的感測器。我們已將磁力計IC連接到一個非常小的Qwiic板外形尺寸上,我們稱之為Qwiic Micro!MMC5983MA能夠感應低至0.4mG,航向精度為±0.5°。無線 MMC5983MA 記憶體單元通過 I 進行通信2默認情況下,C使用我們方便的Qwiic連接系統,因此無需焊接即可將其連接到電路板的其餘部分。
Saturation is a problem for all mag sensors. The MMC5983MA has built-in degaussing circuitry to clear any residual magnetization. Output rates of 1000Hz, ±8G FSR, and 18-bit resolution make the MMC5983MA a phenomenal magnetic sensor for electronic compass applications.
飽和是所有磁感測器的問題。MMC5983MA具有內置消磁電路,可清除任何殘餘磁化。1000Hz的輸出速率、±8G FSR和18位解析度使MMC5983MA成為電子羅盤應用中非凡的磁性感測器。
We've also written a feature complete Arduino library supporting I2C and SPI. Just search "SparkFun MMA5983MA" in the library manager and start measuring within minutes.
我們還編寫了一個完整的功能,Arduino庫支援I2C 和螺旋。只需在庫管理器中搜索「星火精靈 MMA5983MA」,即可在幾分鐘內開始測量。
The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. All Qwiic-enabled boards use a common 1mm pitch, 4-pin JST connector. This reduces the amount of required PCB space, and polarized connections mean you can’t hook it up wrong.
星火趣Qwiic連接系統是I的生態系統2C感測器、執行器、遮罩和電纜,使原型設計更快,更不容易出錯。所有支援 Qwiic 的電路板都使用一個常見的 1mm 間距 4 針 JST 連接器。這減少了所需的PCB空間量,極化連接意味著您不會錯誤地連接它。
Qwiic Micro is our smallest I2C-supported board form-factor yet! At only 0.75in. by 0.30in. (or 24.65mm by 7.62mm for metric friends), Qwiic Micro is perfect for projects and applications that have space or weight concerns. With just a single Qwiic connector, Micro boards work great alongside the Qwiic Multiport or at the end of a Qwiic daisy chain.
奇美微是我們最小的I2C 支援的板式外形尺寸!僅 0.75 英寸0.30英寸Qwiic Micro(對於公制朋友,則為24.65mm x 7.62mm),非常適合有空間或重量問題的專案和應用。只需一個 Qwiic 連接器,微型主機板即可與 Qwiic 多功能埠或 Qwiic 菊花鏈的末端配合使用。
- Qwiic Micro Sized Board (0.75in x 0.30in / 19.05mm x 7.62mm)
- 2.8V to 3.6V supply voltage 電源電壓
- 1µA power down current 省電關斷電流
- Fully integrated 3-axis magnetic sensor 完全整合的3軸磁性感測器
- Dynamic range and accuracy 動態範圍和精度 :
- ±8G FSR 前端總線
- 18bits operation
- 0.4mG total RMS noise 總有效值雜訊
- Enables heading accuracy of 航向精度可達 ±0.5º
- Max output data rate of 最大輸出數據速率為 1000Hz
- On-chip sensitivity compensation 片上靈敏度補償
- On-chip temperature sensor 片上溫度感測器
- I2C Address: 0x30
- 1x Horizontal Qwiic Connection Port