
SparkFun原廠 Pressure Sensor - BMP581 (Qwiic) 模組 SEN-20170

The SparkFun Qwiic BMP581 Pressure Sensor is a standard-sized, 1in. by 1in. absolute pressure sensor breakout from Bosch Sensortec. The BMP581 boasts exceptional resolution (down to 1/64Pa) and accuracy while maintaining on-chip linearization and temperature compensation to provide true absolute data for pressure and temperature. The Qwiic Pressure Sensor communicates over I2C by default, utilizing our handy Qwiic Connect System so no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your boards. However, we still routed the I2C signals out to a set of 0.1”-spaced pins for users who prefer a soldered connection. You can also configure the board to communicate over SPI using the same 0.1"-spaced pins.
SparkFun Qwiic BMP581 壓力傳感器是標準尺寸的 1 英寸。1英寸。Bosch Sensortec 的絕對壓力傳感器突破。BMP581 擁有出色的分辨率(低至 1/64Pa)和準確度,同時保持片上線性化和溫度補償,以提供真正的壓力和溫度絕對數據。默認情況下, Qwiic 壓力傳感器通過 I 2 C 進行通信,使用我們方便的 Qwiic 連接系統,因此無需焊接即可將其連接到您的其餘電路板。但是,我們仍然將 I 2 C 信號路由到一組 0.1 英寸間距的引腳,以供喜歡焊接連接的用戶使用。您還可以將開發板配置為使用相同的 0.1" 間距引腳通過 SPI 進行通信。
The BMP581 has a wide pressure sensing range (30 to 125kPa) with excellent accuracy across the sensing range (± 0.5hPa (max)), as well as output data rates up to 622Hz (we have only regularly achieved 500Hz in testing, though). The sensor includes a configurable oversampling setting, FIFO buffer for storing up to 32 pressure samples, programmable low-pass filtering and even 6-bytes of user-programmable non-volatile memory. All of this allows you to customize the performance based on your application's requirements. Even without filtering, the BMP581 has very low noise (< 0.1Pa RMS).
BMP581 具有廣泛的壓力感應範圍(30 至 125kPa),在整個感應範圍內具有出色的精度(± 0.5hPa(最大值)),以及高達 622Hz 的輸出數據速率(不過,我們在測試中僅經常達到 500Hz) . 該傳感器包括可配置的過採樣設置、用於存儲多達 32 個壓力樣本的 FIFO 緩衝區、可編程低通濾波以及甚至 6 字節的用戶可編程非易失性存儲器。所有這些都允許您根據應用程序的要求自定義性能。即使沒有濾波,BMP581 的噪聲也非常低(< 0.1Pa RMS)。
The sensor has five operating modes: Normal, Forced, Continuous, Standby, and Deep Standby. Deep Standby consumes the least amount of current at just 1.5µA (typical) and peak current consumption by the sensor is 260µA.
傳感器有五種操作模式:正常、強制、連續、待機和深度待機。深度待機消耗的電流最少,僅為 1.5µA(典型值),傳感器的峰值電流消耗為 260µA。

The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. All Qwiic-enabled boards use a common 1mm pitch, 4-pin JST connector. This reduces the amount of required PCB space, and polarized connections mean you can’t hook it up wrong.
SparkFun Qwiic 連接系統是一個由 I 2 C 傳感器、執行器、屏蔽層和電纜組成的生態系統,可加快原型製作速度並減少出錯的可能性。所有支持 Qwiic 的電路板都使用通用的 1mm 間距、4 針 JST 連接器。這減少了所需的 PCB 空間量,並且極化連接意味著您不能錯誤地連接它。