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Mini Maestro 18軸伺服機運動編輯器 (Assembled/成品)18-channel(PI1354)


Mini Maestro 18-Channel USB Servo Controller (Assembled)成品

  The 18-channel Mini Maestro 18 raises the performance bar for serial servo controllers with features such as a native USB interface and internal scripting control. Whether you want the best servo control available (0.25μs resolution with built-in speed and acceleration control and pulse rates up to 333 Hz) or a general I/O controller (e.g. to interface with a sensor or ESC via your USB port), this compact, versatile device will deliver. This fully-assembled version ships with header pins installed. 

  1. Mini Maestro 6 — fully assembled
  2. Mini Maestro 6 — partial kit
  3. Mini Maestro 12 — fully assembled
  4. Mini Maestro 12 — partial kit
  5. Mini Maestro 18 — fully assembled
  6. Mini Maestro 18 — partial kit
  7. Mini Maestro 24 — fully assembled
  8. Mini Maestro 24 — partial kit
     The Mini Maestros are the newest of Pololu’s second-generation USB servo controllers, offering more channels and features than the smaller six-channel Micro Maestro. The Mini Maestros are available in three sizes, and they can be purchased fully assembled or as partial kits:

利用USB介面控制12軸RC 伺服機
  • 0.25us解析度, 內建速度與加速度控制, pulse rate最高達333Hz ; 脈衝寬度可由64 ~ 4080us
  • 提供數位與類比的輸入, 通道 0 ~ 11可當作類比輸入 ; 通道 12以上可作為數位輸入
  • 每個通道都可作為PWM輸出, 輸出頻率介於2.93 ~12MHz ; 10bit的解析度
  • 支援三種控制模式 : USB介面可以連接電腦控制, TTL串列介面可以與各種單晶片或是Arduino, BASIC Stamp, Propeller chip直接控制, 以及內部程式碼編寫直接控制, 不需要任何的外接控制器。
  • 具有高精度控制RC servo的能力, 透過加減速控制, 可以讓伺服機運動更平順
  • Motion Editor (運動編輯器) 
  • 儲存動作 : 可以透過人機介面,迅速將機器人的動作調整出來,並且按下 "儲存動作"後可以記錄該姿態
  • 播放 : 透過上述"儲存動作"的記錄後,按下"播放"可以撥出一連串的連續運動
  • 編輯不同程序的連續運動 : 你可以記錄不同主題的連續運動,例如六足機器人的 "往前", "往後", "往左", "往右"等
  • 撰寫程式碼 (script): 你也可以自己撰寫運動程式碼,直接控制該編輯器
  • 可與外部控制器控制機器人運動或是使用外部程式呼叫不同的運動程式片段
  • 提供Windows or Linux的測試範例, 可以快速體驗USB控制的效果 。Pololu USB Software Development Kit 語法包括C#, Visual Basic .NET, and Visual C++
  • 板子可以由USB給電, 或是 供給5-16Vdc外部電壓
  • 具有8KB的程式記憶體, 可以直接寫程式在板子內, 控制I/O與伺服機
  • 也可利用其他控制器, 透過Serial傳輸來達到控制效果
  • 以下是透過板子控制機器人以及LED燈光的實例
The Mini Maestros offer higher channel counts and some additional features (see the Maestro comparison table below for details).
  The Micro Maestro is a highly versatile servo controller and general-purpose I/O board in a highly compact (0.85"×1.20") package. It supports three control methods: USB for direct connection to a computer, TTL serial for use with embedded systems, and internal scripting for self-contained, host controller-free applications. The channels can be configured as servo outputs for use with radio control (RC) servos or electronic speed controls (ESCs), as digital outputs, or as analog inputs. The extremely precise, high-resolution servo pulses have a jitter of less than 200 ns, making these servo controllers well suited for high-performance applications such as robotics and animatronics, and built-in speed and acceleration control for each channel make it easy to achieve smooth, seamless movements without requiring the control source to constantly compute and stream intermediate position updates to the Micro Maestro. Units can be daisy-chained with additional Pololu servo and motor controllers on a single serial line.
Maestro 控制中心中的「狀態」選項卡。
  A free configuration and control program is available for Windows and Linux, making it simple to configure and test the device over USB, create sequences of servo movements for animatronics or walking robots, and write, step through, and run scripts stored in the servo controller. The Micro Maestro’s 1 KB of internal script memory allows storage of servo positions that can be automatically played back without any computer or external microcontroller connected.
  Because the Micro Maestro’s channels can also be used as general-purpose digital outputs and analog inputs, they provide an easy way to read sensors and control peripherals directly from a PC over USB, and these channels can be used with the scripting system to enable creation of self-contained animatronic displays that respond to external stimuli and trigger additional events beyond just moving servos.
   The Micro Maestro is available fully assembled with 0.1" male header pins installed as shown in the product picture or as a partial kit, which ship with these header pins included but unsoldered, allowing the use of different gender connectors or wires to be soldered directly to the pads for lighter, more compact installations. The Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 are also available fully assembled or as partial kits. USB A to mini-B cable (not included) is required to connect this device to a computer.

Micro Maestro 6通道USB伺服控制器(完全組裝)控制三個舵機。
  • Main Features
    • Three control methods: USB, TTL (5V) serial, and internal scripting
    • 0.25μs output pulse width resolution (corresponds to approximately 0.025° for a typical servo, which is beyond what the servo could resolve)
    • Pulse rate configurable from 33 to 100 Hz (2)
    • Wide pulse range of 64 to 3280 μs (2)
    • Individual speed and acceleration control for each channel
    • Channels can be optionally configured to go to a specified position or turn off on startup or error
    • Channels can also be used as general-purpose digital outputs or analog inputs
    • A simple scripting language lets you program the controller to perform complex actions even after its USB and serial connections are removed
    • Comprehensive user’s guide
Maestro 控制中心中的「通道設置」選項卡。
    • Free configuration and control application for Windows makes it easy to:
      • Configure and test your controller
      • Create, run, and save sequences of servo movements for animatronics and walking robots
      • Write, step through, and run scripts stored in the servo controller
    • Two ways to write software to control the Maestro from a PC:
      • Virtual COM port makes it easy to send serial commands from any development environment that supports serial communication
      • Pololu USB Software Development Kit allows use of more advanced native USB commands and includes example code in C#, Visual Basic .NET, and Visual C++
    • TTL serial features:
      • Supports 300 – 200000 bps in fixed-baud mode, 300 – 115200 bps in autodetect-baud mode (2)
      • Simultaneously supports the Pololu protocol, which gives access to advanced functionality, and the simpler Scott Edwards MiniSSC II protocol (there is no need to configure the device for a particular protocol mode)
      • Can be daisy-chained with other Pololu servo and motor controllers using a single serial transmit line
      • Can function as a general-purpose USB-to-TTL serial adapter for projects controlled from a PC
    • Board can be powered off of USB or a 5 – 16 V battery, and it makes the regulated 5V available to the user
    • Compact size of 0.85" × 1.20" (2.16 × 3.05 cm) and light weight of 0.17 oz (4.8 g) with headers
    • Upgradable firmware

Application Examples and Videos
    • Serial servo controller for multi-servo projects (e.g. robot arms, animatronics) based on BASIC Stamp or Arduino platforms.
    • PC-based servo control over USB port
    • PC-based control of motors by interfacing with an ESC over USB
    • PC interface for sensors and other electronics:
      • Read a gyro or accelerometer from a PC for novel user interfaces
      • Control a string of ShiftBrites from a PC for mood lighting
    • General I/O expansion for microcontroller projects
    • Programmable, self-contained Halloween or Christmas display controller that responds to sensors. The picture to the right and the video below show a self-contained hexapod robot that uses three micro servos and two digital distance sensors for autonomous walking.
    • Self-contained servo tester

  An example setup using a Micro Maestro to control a ShiftBar and Satellite LED Module is shown in the picture below and one of the videos above. Maestro source code to control a ShiftBar or ShiftBrite is available in the Example scripts section of the Maestro User’s guide.
將微型大師連接到一連串的ShiftBars。一個 12V 單電源為所有元件供電。

Size: 1.10" x 1.80"
Weight: 10.0 g
General specifications
Channels: 18
Baud: 300 - 200000 bps1
Minimum operating voltage: 5 V
Maximum operating voltage: 16 V
Supply current: 40 mA2
Partial kit?: N
Identifying markings
PCB dev codes: usc03b
Other PCB markings: 0J1969
Autodetect works from 300 - 115200 bps.
With USB disconnected and all LEDs on. Connecting USB draws around 10 mA more.



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通知Mini Maestro 18軸伺服機運動編輯器 (Assembled/成品)18-channel(PI1354)

聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw