微軟 Microsoft Azure Kinect DK 攝影開發套件
Azure Kinect DK的大小不到Windows v2的Kinect的一半,旨在將我們最好的AI傳感器整合到一個設備中。
Azure Kinect is a cutting-edge spatial computing developer kit with sophisticated computer vision and speech models, advanced AI sensors and a range of powerful SDKs that can be connected to Azure cognitive services. Using Azure Kinect, manufacturing, retail, healthcare and media enterprises are leveraging spatial data and context to enhance operational safety, increase performance, improve outcomes and revolutionise the customer experience.
Azure Kinect DK是一款開發人員套件和PC外部設備,它搭載100萬像素高級深度攝像頭、360˚麥克風陣列,1200萬像素全高清攝像頭和方向傳感器,適用於先進的計算機視覺和語音模型開發。它的長度不到13厘米,厚度僅為4厘米。如需了解更多,請訪問azure.com/kinect。
系統要求:採用第7代Intel ® Core TM i3處理器(雙核2.4GHz包含HD620 GPU或更快)的Windows 10 ®計算機、USB 3.0端口、4GB內存。不支持Windows 10 S模式。人體跟踪等其他功能可能需要更高級的PC硬件。如需了解更多信息或查找技術規格,請訪問aka.ms/kinectdocs。
技術規格* Azure Kinect DK 是一款電腦外設。
尺寸 | 126.00 x 103.00 x 39.00 mm |
重量 | 440 g |
傳感器 | - 深度攝像頭:100 萬像素ToF
- RGB 攝像頭:1200 萬像素,捲簾快門CMOS 傳感器
- IMU:3D 電子加速度計和3D 電子陀螺儀
- 麥克風:七麥克風圓形陣列
輸入/輸出/接口 | - USB-C 數據接口
- 通過USB-C 或外部電源供電(雙頭USB-C 充電線需額外購買)
- 同步輸入/輸出接口,可與多個設備同步
兼容的操作系統 | Windows 10(不支持S 模式)和Ubuntu 18.04(預覽版) |
其他 | 如需了解更多技術規格,請訪問aka.ms/kinectdocs。 |
系統要求: | - 操作系統:採用第7 代 Intel ® CoreTM i3 處理器(雙核2.4GHz 包含HD620 GPU 或更快)的 Windows 10 ® 計算機
- 輸入:USB 3.0 端口
- 內存:4GB RAM
- 其他:採用第7 代 Intel ® CoreTM i3 處理器(雙核2.4GHz 包含HD620 GPU 或更快)的 Windows 10 ®計算機,USB 3.0端口、 4GB內存。不支持Windows 10 S模式。人體跟踪等其他功能可能需要更高級的PC硬件。本設備僅適用於專業開發人員及商業場景,不適用於普通消費者。設備周邊環境溫度應介於10-25攝氏度之間。Azure Kinect DK不是Xbox Kinect的替代品。更多信息請訪問aka.ms/kinectdocs。
包裝清單 | - Azure Kinect DK設備*
- 支架
- USB-A 轉USB-C 數據線
- USB-A 轉DC 電源線
- 電源
- 扳手
〈通過Azure 實現更多〉
Azure認知服務(單獨出售)可以增強您的Kinect應用。您可以使用語音服務,獲得實時的語音轉錄和翻譯功能。您可以通過計算機視覺添加物體、場景和活動檢測或進行光學字符識別(OCR)。您還可以使用Azure IoT Edge管理連接到Azure Kinect DK設備的計算機。如需了解更多信息,包括如何創建免費的Azure賬戶,請訪問 azure.com/kinect。
Develop safer solutions and strengthen engagement
Use computer vision to track and monitor exercise movements and overall form. Create a smart gym experience that can enhance results, or an accessible and effective virtual rehabilitation solution.
Pair real-time depth sensor data with AI-driven insights. Prevent and mitigate potential patient accidents and injuries in care environments with predictive alerts.
Deliver improved safety and performance
Use advanced body tracking to monitor and analyse worker movement and behaviour. Design safer, more ergonomic workstations that can mitigate long-term injury risk while improving productivity through task analysis and process optimisation.
Pair real-time depth sensor data with cognitive services for AI-driven part identification and real-time anomaly detection. Monitor assembly line workers to catch part or process issues straight away for a just-in-time fix.
Reimagine communication and engagement
Add computer vision and speech capabilities to smart signage. Transform smart signage into interactive, personalised kiosks that can enhance brand engagement.
Use depth sensing to capture high-quality volumetric video for use in interactive 3D environments. Leverage 3D volumetric video for cutting-edge immersive storytelling, delivered through interactive XR experiences.
Transform experiences and accelerate innovation
Use dimensional analysis to maximise transport storage space and optimise delivery logistics. Move from pre-defined delivery routes to real-time routes based on inventory analysis and subsequent last-mile efficiency.
Create a connected retail experience by mapping and monitoring retail stores in real time. Gain actionable customer insights and create alerts leveraging spatial data.
Gain new environmental understanding
Use depth sensing to automate depalletisation and palletisation processes. Streamline repetitive tasks such as stripping down a pallet to improve productivity while optimising storage space in smart ways.
Mobilise robot workers with spatial data. Automate new tasks by bringing robots into human spaces, from picking online orders and tracking shelf inventory to maintaining the spatial data of digital twin models.