在歐美好評如潮的德國 Brocksieper 唱頭放大器PhoneMax
Frequency response, RIAA:
20 - 20000Hz +/- 0,15dB
Distortion (THD):
< 0,01% (RL > 10 kOhm) typ.
better than-60dB/10 kHz
Noise distance: > 60dB
Signal to noise ratio:> 70dB
Power consumption:14VA
400g (amplifier), 500g (power box)
Our PhonoMax very quickly became well respected amongst vinyl fans. This extraordinary tube design is perfectly compatible with many pick-ups, MM or MC, as long as the output power is no less than 0.3mV. You can choose between output impedances of 200 Ohm, 500 Ohm, 1 kOhm and 47 kOhm.
And the sound? Simply magic. Why invest in more expensive phono amplifiers?
All tubes are hand selected and individually tested. Each unit undergoes a strict quality check and measurement, a 24 hours stress test and fine-tuning, prior to being shipped.
PhonoMax- one for all. Standard color black. Silver optional.
Test inHifi&Records 01/2002(German)
Report inHifi Tunes Rohrenbuch:"...You might find something more massy elsewhere, but almost certainly no more quality. The brilliant about PhonoMax - for sure, also because of its performance, it is worth every single Dollar..."
Stefan Brocksiper是德國的一位膽機大拿,當然,他的起步與其他音響小 作坊差不多,都是從無名電子工程師加上自己的一點點興趣愛好一步步走過來的。早在上世紀80年代,Brocksieper先生就已經因為在LC807電子 管功放上的嘗試和一些公開的爭論中,被廣大德國音響製作者熟知,而他經典的lc807後級在1982年量產後,也逐步被市場接受和認可,成為他家的金字招 牌。
同不少德國音響廠商的創始人一樣,老先生是一名不錯的BASS演奏者,有自己的小樂隊,在自家產品展示的時候,偶爾也會給大家live一場,音響之外,他 還堅持打了三十年的楊式太極拳。Brocksieper先生的文章寫得也不錯,和他郵件交流,老先生語氣溫和措辭優雅,一如其作品的聲音表現,讓人感到自 如和放鬆。
Stefan Brocksieper的產品和經營方式在歐洲是很有代表性的,主事者負責設計和營銷,自己有本土的小工廠,大多數元件當地採購,數十年如一日,規模雖 小,但經營得有滋有味。目前他家的規模在穩步擴大,想聯繫到他也越來越不容易,除了德國本土,他的產品只在英國,美國和挪威銷售,並且一般是先下單再制 作