
Arduino® Uno Mini Limited Edition (DEV-19145)

In celebration of the most popular Arduino board, the Uno, Arduino has made an Arduino Uno Mini! Featuring similar specs to the full-sized Uno and based on the ATMega328 microcontroller, this board is just as capable and is a neat memento for those of us who love the board or brand.
為了慶祝最受歡迎的Arduino板Uno,Arduino製作了Arduino Uno Mini!該板具有與全尺寸Uno相似的規格,並基於ATMega328微控制器,同樣功能強大,對於我們這些熱愛該板或品牌的人來說,它是一個整潔的紀念品。
In addition to the classic microcontroller, the board features 14 digital pins and six analog, just like the full sized Uno. It uses 5V logic and has six PWM pins, too! The big difference besides size is the use of a USB Type C Connector instead of the classic USB-B.
除了經典的微控制器外,該板還具有14個數位引腳和6個類比,就像全尺寸Uno一樣。它使用5V邏輯,並具有六個PWM引腳!除了尺寸之外,最大的區別是使用USB Type C連接器而不是經典的USB-B。
Each item is unique and numbered on the PCB, and includes a hand-signed letter from the founders. It is a limited run, so we will not have additional stock after it has sold out!
Note: Due to expected demand and its limited nature, there is a limit of two boards per customer for the Arduino Uno Mini Limited Edition.
注意:由於預期需求及其有限性,Arduino Uno Mini限量版的每位客戶限購兩塊板。

- Microcontroller 微控制器 : ATmega328P
- USB connector 連接器 : USB-C
- Built-in LED Pin: 13
- Digital I/O Pins: 14
- Analog input pins: 6
- PWM pins: 6
- Circuit operating voltage 電路工作電壓 : 5V
- Input voltage 輸入電壓 (limit 限值 ): 6-12V
- DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA
- DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
- Main Processor 主處理器 : ATmega328P 16 MHz
- USB-Serial Processor 串行處理器 : ATmega16U2 16 MHz
- Memory ATmega328P: 2KB SRAM, 32KB FLASH, 1KB EEPROM
- Weight 重量 : 8.05 g
- Width 寬度 : 26.70 mm
- Length 長度 : 34.20 mm