新款 NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB 開發套件(單板)102110483
Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit (DEV-17283)
NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ 2GB Developer Kit (802.11ac Wireless Adapter Not Included)
PS.另有含 USB WiFi 版本
- Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit × 1
Discover the power of AI and robotics with NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ 2GB Developer Kit. It’s small, powerful, and affordable for everyone. This means educators, students, and other enthusiasts can now easily create projects with fast and efficient AI using the entire GPU-accelerated NVIDIA software stack.
借助NVIDIA®Jetson Nano™2GB開發人員套件發現AI和機器人技術的強大功能。它體積小,功能強大,每個人都可以負擔得起。這意味著教育者,學生和其他發燒友現在可以使用整個GPU加速的NVIDIA軟件堆棧輕鬆,快速,高效地創建AI項目。
Jetson Nano是一款功能強大的人工智能(AI)開發板,可助你快速入門學習AI技術,並將其應用到各種智能設備上。
針對教育機構、學生和初學者,英偉達在原來 Jetson Nano Developer Kit 的基礎上推出了簡化版本Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit。
2GB版本同樣搭載四核Cortex-A57處理器,128核Maxwell GPU, LPDDR內存由原來的4GB縮減為2GB 。支持NVIDIA JetPack,其中包括用於深度學習、計算機視覺、GPU計算、多媒體處理、CUDA、cuDNN和TensorRT等的軟件庫,以及其他一系列流行的AI框架和算法,比如TensorFlow、PyTorch、Caffe / Caffe2、 Keras和MXNet等。
Discover the power of AI and robotics with NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ 2GB Developer Kit with a more economical price aiming to deliver the performance to run modern AI workloads using the entire GPU-accelerated NVIDIA software stack in a small form factor to even more educators, students, developers, & enthusiasts.
以更經濟的價格使用NVIDIA®Jetson Nano™2GB開發者套件發現AI和機器人技術的強大功能,旨在以較小的尺寸為更多的教育者提供使用GPU加速的整個NVIDIA軟件堆棧來運行現代AI工作負載的性能,學生,開發人員和愛好者。
Learning by doing is key for anyone new to AI and robotics, and the Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit is ideal for hands-on teaching and learning. Unlike online-only learning, you’ll see your work on the developer kit perceive and interact with the world around you in real time. In addition to the free tutorials offered by NVIDIA, thousands of Jetson Nano developers actively contribute videos, how-tos, open-source projects, AI frameworks, and models for applications like image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing. The developer kit can be powered by USB-C 5V 3A and comes with extensive I/Os, including GPIO, USB-A (3.0 & 2.0), USB-Micro-B, and CSI-2 camera connector. This makes it simple for developers to connect a diverse set of new sensors to enable a variety of AI applications from introductory “Hello AI World,” to robotics projects such as the open-source NVIDIA JetBot AI robot platform.
邊幹邊學對於AI和機器人新手來說至關重要,而Jetson Nano 2GB開發人員套件是動手教學的理想之選。與僅在線學習不同,您將看到開發人員工具包上的工作可以實時感知並與周圍的世界互動。除了NVIDIA提供的免費教程外,成千上萬的Jetson Nano開發人員還為圖像分類,對象檢測,分段和語音處理等應用程序積極貢獻視頻,操作方法,開源項目,AI框架和模型。該開發套件可以由USB-C 5V 3A供電,並帶有廣泛的I / O,包括GPIO,USB-A(3.0&2.0),USB-Micro-B和CSI-2相機連接器。這使開發人員可以輕鬆地連接各種新傳感器,以啟用“ Hello AI World”,
All these resources are enabled by NVIDIA JetPack™, which brings to each Jetson developer the same CUDA-XTM software and tools used by professionals around the world. JetPack includes a familiar Linux environment and simplifies the development process with support for cloud-native technologies such as containerization and orchestration. There’s no better way to start. The same JetPack SDK is used across the entire NVIDIA Jetson family of products and is fully compatible with NVIDIA’s AI platform for training and deploying AI software. This proven software stack reduces complexity and overall effort for developers
所有這些資源都由NVIDIA JetPack™啟用,NVIDIA JetPack™為每個Jetson開發人員提供了相同的CUDA-XTM軟件和工具,這些工具和工具被世界各地的專業人員使用。JetPack包含一個熟悉的Linux環境,並通過支持容器化和編排等雲原生技術簡化了開發過程。沒有更好的起點。整個NVIDIA Jetson系列產品都使用相同的JetPack SDK,並且與NVIDIA的AI平台完全兼容,用於培訓和部署AI軟件。這種經過驗證的軟件堆棧降低了開發人員的複雜性和整體工作量。
![英偉達NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 簡化版本接口說明](https://www.waveshare.net/photo/development-board/Jetson-Nano-2GB-Developer-Kit/Jetson-Nano-2GB-Developer-Kit-details-intro.jpg)
- Micro SD卡槽(背面)
可接入16GB以上的TF卡,燒寫系統鏡像 - 40PIN GPIO擴展接口
- USB 2.0 Micro-B接口
- 千兆以太網端口
以太網端口 - USB 2.0 type A 接口
- USB 3.0 type A 接口
- HDMI高清接口
- USB-C 5V 3A
可用於5V電源輸入 - MIPI 攝像頭接口
- 按鍵預留接口