Knit Jersey Conductive Fabric - 20cm square
This knit jersey conductive fabric is 63% cotton, 35% silver yarn and 2% spandex. Use small pieces for soft switches, plush keypads, capacitive touch sensors, and other textile interfaces. It's very soft and matte, perfect for ironing onto wearables with double sided interfacing. This conductive fabric has different resistance in each direction: 46 ohms per foot across the rows (stretchier direction) and 460 ohms per foot across the columns (less stretchy direction). This is because a knit is comprised of a single strand of fiber that travels back and forth across the fabric. Great for use with FLORA.
這種導電織物在每個方向上都有不同的電阻:行(拉伸方向)每英尺 46 歐姆,柱子每英尺 460 歐姆(彈性較小方向)。這是因為針織品由一股纖維組成,在織物上來回移動。非常適合與 FLORA 一起使用。
Sold as a 20cm x 20cm piece (minimum dimension) Iron on medium if necessary, steam ok. Dry cleaning recommended. Discoloration can occur over time.
作為 20 厘米 x 20 厘米的單件出售(最小尺寸)如有必要,可在介質上熨燙,可蒸汽。 建議乾洗。 隨著時間的推移會發生變色。