BASIC Stamp 2 OEM Module Physical Computing書推薦微控制器
Parallax公司的BASIC Stamp 2 微控制器模塊部件和功能
BASIC Stamp 2(BS2)是一個簡單的微控制器,它具有記憶體(EEPROM)可以儲存使用者所開發的程序;並且具有輸出輸入裝置(I/O),這些輸出輸入的裝置可以利用PBASIC語法,很容易去規劃及使用,如完成一些電機控制,傳感器反饋等等。 PBASIC的語法使用起來非常簡單,使用者不需要去瞭解微控制器的硬體架構或電路設計,利用它所提供的70種指令,來完成你的機器人控制。它在歐美很流行可以降低使用者學習門檻,堪稱最好用的「傻瓜控制器」,可以短期搭建複雜控制系統,與現有的低級單片機相比更易學易懂。BASICStamp 2可以更進階的使用設計, 可以利用其他的各種模組或傳感器,如步進電機驅動器,藍牙無線通訊模組,無線網絡模組、超聲波傳感器、紅外傳感器等等,它會迅速完成你需要的機器人控制系統或是機電整合系統。
此款BASIC Stamp 2 OEM Module (Kit Form) 為BS2的DIY焊接版,BS2現在歐美十分流行,堪稱中級微控制器的經典之作,國外譯著中的機器人書籍或者計算機書籍經常提到,近日一些Arduino的愛好者,向我推薦《Physical Computing》(中文譯著《交互式系統原理與設計》)這本書,看過之後感覺很不錯,建議機器人愛好者和初學電子的朋友看下。本書主要以中級微控制器為核心展開敘述,Stamp系列微控制器中BS2歷史最為悠久,因為處於主導地位,BS2微控制器較為昂貴,會給初學者帶來很大經濟負擔,很多網友都詢問有沒有便宜點的BS2,想根據書中所述嘗試學習下,現在大家可以選用BASIC Stamp 2 OEM Module,自己動手來製作個BS2,只是體積大了一些,建議沒有焊接基礎的朋友最好不要購買,本品屬於電子消耗品,焊接損壞不能退還,特此說明~
The OEM BASIC Stamp? 2 module (kit form) is a through-hole version of the popular BASIC Stamp 2 module. Once assembled, this product is NOT eligible for returning to Parallax.
The kit includes the PBASIC interpreter, EEPROM, resonator, DB-9, and all the resistors and transistors needed to build a BASIC Stamp 2 module. Presented in a 20-pin SIP module format with standard 0.1"spacing. The PC board includes labeled component locations with visible traces between parts. PBASIC interpreter and EEPROM are socketed to allow for replacement.
This is a fully-functional BASIC Stamp microcontroller. It is programmed using our Windows Editor just like the BS2-IC module.
Please note that the lower power mode is only available when the regulator is removed and the BASIC Stamp module is powered on the vdd. The documentation includes a complete bill of materials with three sources and part numbers for each component. The BASIC Stamp Windows editor and BASIC Stamp manual may be downloaded separately if you don’t already have them. The Parallax warranty is voided if the OEM kit is not assembled and soldered as per the printed instructions included in the kit. Contact Technical Support if you have any questions relating to the assembly of this product.
Technical Specifications:
Processor Speed = 20 MHz
Program Execution Speed = ~4,000 instructions/sec.
RAM Size = 32 Bytes (6 I/O, 26 Variable)
EEPROM (Program) Size = 2K Bytes, ~500 instructions
I/O Pins = 16 +2 Dedicated Serial
Voltage Requirements = 5 - 15 vdc
Current Draw at 5V = 3 mA Run / 50 μA Sleep
PBASIC Commands = 42