樹莓派 Pi 10.1寸 IPS高清顯示屏 HDMI/VGA/AV (FIT476) 1280 x800 ,適用Lattepanda Alpha
10.1" Diagonal - 1280x800 IPS HDMI/VGA/AV Display (Compatible with Raspberry Pi & LattePanda)

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This 10.1 inch high-resolution 1280*800 IPS display is specially designed as a monitor for LattePanda(which could be used as windows 10 development board), Raspberry Pi, and other mini PC. The HDMI/VGA/AV interfaces ensure its wide compatibility. Making a digital photo frame, playing a video, adding a face for your robot, you can expand your imagination, make more fun.
這款 10.1 英寸高分辨率 1280*800 IPS 顯示屏專為LattePanda(可用作windows 10 開發板)、Raspberry Pi和其他迷你 PC的顯示器而設計。HDMI/VGA/AV 接口確保其廣泛的兼容性。製作數碼相框,播放視頻,為你的機器人添加一張臉,你可以擴展你的想像力,讓更多的樂趣。
新款10.1英吋IPS顯示屏到貨啦! 是時候告別巨大的外接顯示器,準備一個樹莓派專用的顯示屏了。全新高清IPS硬屏,1280x800高清分辨率,16:10顯示屏,既可以用做代碼調試窗口,也可以作為閒餘時間的視頻娛樂。10.1寸,看看視頻,毫無壓力!
驅動板配帶有1路HDMI,1路VGA和1路AV接口,兼容各類視頻輸出接口,配上一個windows的mini PC,一秒變身電腦顯示器!
How to Make a Mini PC / Mini Computer 如何製作迷你電腦/迷你電腦,影片:https://youtu.be/ZVDbEghmjH0

Note: A 7.5~12V DC power adapter is needed for this monitor. Click Wall Adapter Power Supply to get it. V1.1 increases an audio port.

What is LattePanda?
A LattePanda is a complete Windows 10 single-board computer! It includes everything a regular PC has and can do anything that a regular PC does. It is compatible with almost every gadget you know: printers, joysticks, cameras, and more. Any peripherals that work on your PC will work on a LattePanda. A LattePanda comes pre-installed with a full, pre-activated version of Windows 10, where you can install powerful tools such as Visual Studio, NodeJS, Java, Processing, and more. Using existing APIs, you can develop your own software and hardware projects on a LattePanda as you would on a normal PC - C#, Javascript, Ruby, and so on. Say goodbye to your bulky laptop!
LattePanda 是一台完整的 Windows 10 單板計算機!它包括普通 PC 所擁有的一切,並且可以執行普通 PC 所做的任何事情。它幾乎與您知道的所有小工具兼容:打印機、操縱桿、相機等。在您的 PC 上運行的任何外圍設備都可以在 LattePanda 上運行。LattePanda 預裝了完整的預激活版 Windows 10,您可以在其中安裝強大的工具,例如 Visual Studio、NodeJS、Java、Processing 等。使用現有的 API,您可以在 LattePanda 上開發自己的軟件和硬件項目,就像在普通 PC 上一樣 - C#、Javascript、Ruby 等等。告別笨重的筆記本電腦!

- *HDMI+VGA+AV LCD 驅動板 x1
- *10.1 inch 1280x800 IPS LCD 液晶板 x1
- *LVDS 屏幕連接線 x1
- *按鍵及按鍵連接線 x1
- *喇叭1對
- HDMI+VGA+2AV LCD controller board x1
- 10.1 inch 1280x800 IPS LCD panel x1
- Spaker (Pair) x1
- LVDS Cable x1
- Keypad Module(Adjustment Button) x1

*屏幕尺寸: 10.1英吋
*屏幕尺寸: 217 * 135mm
*顯示尺寸: 230 * 149 * 5.0mm
*面板類型: 晶硅TFT-LCD面板
*分辨率(RGB): 1280 x800 (WXGA)
*亮度: 350 cd / m ^ 2
*對比度: 800:1 (Min.)。
*輸入電壓: 7.5 ~ 12 v
*額定功率: 6-7W
*信號輸入: AV + VGA + HDMI(HDMI 1.2)
- Screen size: 10.1 inch
- Screen Dimensions: 217 * 135mm/ 8.54 * 5.31 inches (16:10)
- Display Dimensions: 230 * 149 * 5.0mm/9.05 * 5.86 * 0.2 inches
- Panel Type: a-Si TFT-LCD Panel
- Resolution (RGB): 1280x800, WXGA
- Display Mode: HFFS, Normally Black, Transmissive
- Surface: Hard coating
- Brightness: 350 cd/m^2
- Contrast Ratio: 800:1 (Min.)
- Input Voltage: 7.5~12V
- Rated power: 6-7.5W
- Signal input: AV + VGA + HDMI (HDMI 1.2)
- Support Audio Output
- Weight: 358g