這是Arduino官方出品的入門套裝。該套裝和目前存在的套裝最大的不同是配備一本內容豐富的入門書(英文),裡面有超過15個項目的樣列。一旦你完成了書上的手把手教程,你就可以創造一些比較有趣的項目。套件中除了包含樣列所需的元件以外,還包含了一些額外的元件可以讓您滿足一下創造的慾望。 學習Arduino,創造Arduino,共享Arduino。在Arduino的世界,擁有創造力的你就是國王。
- 瞭解工具- 初步介紹套件樣列會涉及的概念
- 空間飛船界面-設計一個飛船的控制面板
- 熱血測試器-測試你的熱血程度
- 多綵燈-製作一個全彩的燈
- 鍵盤樂器-製作一個鍵盤能用來播放聲音或者產生一些奇怪的聲音
- 水晶球-一趟奇妙旅行能回答你所有奇怪的問題
- 觸摸燈-讓指尖和光做朋友
- 電動轉輪-製作一個彩色的電機控制的轉輪
- DIGITAL HOURGLASS - a light-up hourglass that can stop you from working too much
- LIGHT THEREMIN - create a musical instrument you play by waving your hands
- MOOD CUE - clue people in to how you're doing
- ZOETROPE - create a mechanical animation you can play forward or reverse
- KNOCK LOCK - tap out the secret code to open the door
TWEAK THE ARDUINO LOGO - control your personal computer from your Arduino
HACKING BUTTONS - create a master control for all your devices!
- 1x Arduino 項目指導書 (170 頁)
- 1x Arduino UNO board rev.3
- 1x USB cable
- 1x Breadboard
- 1x Easy-to-assemble wooden base
- 1x 9v battery snap
- 70x Solid core jumper wires
- 2x Stranded jumper wires
- 6x Photoresistor [VT90N2 LDR]
- 3x Potentiometer 10kilohm
- 10x Pushbuttons
- 1x Temperature sensor [TMP36]
- 1x Tilt sensor
- 1x alphanumeric LCD (16x2 characters)
- 1x LED (bright white)
- 1x LED (全彩)
- 8x LEDs (紅)
- 8x LEDs (綠)
- 8x LEDs (黃)
- 3x LEDs (藍)
- 1x 小直流電機 6/9V
- 1x 小舵機
- 1x Piezo capsule [PKM17EPP-4001-B0]
- 1x H-bridge motor driver [L293D]
- 2x Optocouplers [4N35]
- 5x Transistor [BC547]
- 2x Mosfet transistors [IRF520]
- 5x Capacitors 100nF
- 3x Capacitors 100uF
- 5x Capacitor 100pF
- 5x Diodes [1N4007]
- 3x Transparent gels (red, green, blue)
- 1x Male pins strip (40x1)
- 20x Resistors 220 ohm
- 5x Resistors 560 ohm
- 5x Resistors 1 kilohm
- 5x Resistors 4.7 kilohm
- 10x Resistors 10 kilohm
- 5x Resistors 1 megohm
- 5x Resistors 10 megohm