
Gameduino 2 - 4.3"觸碰屏 480x272顯示(seeed-105990008)
Gameduino 2 with 4.3" 480x272 Display and Touchscreen

Gameduino 2 is a shield that adds a bright 4.3 inch touchscreen, an embedded GPU, headphone jack, accelerometer and microSD slot to your Arduino - or anything else with an SPI interface. Everything you need to create compelling games – right in your hand.
Sound output is via an amplified headphone jack. The system supports a selection of built-in samples and instruments, and can also play samples from video memory, at up to 48KHz.
The sound and graphics are definitely old-school, but thanks to the latest FPGA technology, the sprite capabilities are a step above those in machines from the past.
Here are some handy stats:
- Video output is 480x272 pixels in 24-bit color
- OpenGL-style command set
- Up to 2000 sprites, any size
- 256 Kbytes of video RAM
- Smooth sprite rotate and zoom with bilinear filtering
- Smooth circle and line drawing in hardware - 16x antialiased
- JPEG loading in hardware
- Built-in rendering of gradients, text, dials and buttons
The FT800 graphics co-processor can handle media in several formats to reduce the memory footprint:
- Decodes JPEGs directly for lossless image loading, decompresses
- Audio samples can be 8-bit linear, uLaw or ADPCM
Built into the GPU’s ROM are:
- High-quality fonts in 6 sizes
- Samples of 8 musical instruments, playable by MIDI note
- Samples of 10 percussion sounds
And of course you can load your own fonts and audio samples into the 256KB RAM.
Check out the product page for tutorials, examples, libraries, demos, etc
Gameduino 2 4.3“480 * 272顯示屏和觸摸屏(12:05)

The Gameduino 2 turns your Arduino into a hand-held modern gaming system. Touch control, a 3-axis accelerometer, microSD storage for game assets, headphone audio output, and all-new eye-popping graphics on its bright 4.3 inch screen.
The Gameduino 2's FT800 graphics engine is highly capable, and its OpenGL-style command set makes graphics programming easy. It can load JPEGs, supports alpha transparency, and has a full 32-bit color pipeline. There are examples and code on the project page at

Audio output is available on the amplified headphone jack, and provides a range of built-in sounds as well as sample playback at up to 48 kHz.
The Gameduino 2 software library is documented extensively in the book, available for free download.
- Complete hand-held game module: supply an MCU (Arduino/Rasberry Pi) and power
- Arduino shield form-factor
- Bright 4.3” (diagonal) 480x272 screen, 262144 colors
- Powered by latest FT800 Embedded Video Engine (EVE)
- Resistive touch-screen input
- 3-axis accelerometer for tilt gaming
- microSD storage slot
- Amplified audio via headphone socket
- Software and book available for download
Note this unit does not include a microSD card.
- Arduino Uno shield form-factor, uses SPI bus on pins 13-11. Voltage levels 3.3-5v
- 3.3-5V power supply required
- 3-axis analog accelerometer
- 4.3” (diagonal) TFT with adjustable backlight
- 3.5mm audio jack
- microSD card socket
- Weight: 85g
- Size: 105x75x20 mm