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▼Parallax原廠 PING超音波距離感測器 Ultrasonic Sensor (PI1605)


PING))) 超音波感測器
強力推薦!! 穩定性最高!!

Parallax PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor #28015

        這是可以搭配BASIC Stamp微處理器所推出的sensor, 當然, 其他微處理器也都可以使用, 功能與上述SRF05相同。非常適合使用在機器人上, 可以檢測移動中或靜止的物體, 使用時只要微處理器的1個I/O即可以。

        PING))) sensor使用發出超音波(遠超過人所可以聽到的頻率), 從sensor到待測物, 藉由接收回波所需要的時間來判對距離。PING)))發出的是一個PWM(頻寬調變)的脈衝訊號, 當然也是接收PWM的訊號。



  This easy-to-use distance sensor from Parallax employs sonar to detect objects from approximately 0.75 – 120 inches (2 cm – 3 meters). The Ping distance sensor has status LEDs and requires only one I/O pin. The on-board three-pin header makes the PING))) compatible with a solderless breadboard.

  Parallax’s PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor provides a very low-cost and easy method of distance measurement. This sensor is perfect for any number of applications that require you to perform measurements between moving or stationary objects. This ultrasonic distance sensor is widely used in robotics applications and is also useful in security systems or as an infrared replacement.

  The PING))) sensor measures distance using sonar; an ultrasonic (well above human hearing) pulse is transmitted from the unit and distance-to-target is determined by measuring the time required for the echo return. Output from the PING))) sensor is a variable-width pulse that corresponds to the distance to the target.

  Interfacing to the BASIC Stamp microcontroller or other programmable controller is a snap: a single (shared) I/O pin is used to trigger the Ping sensor and “listen” for the echo return pulse. An on-board three-pin header allows the PING))) to be plugged into a solderless breadboard (on a Boe-Bot, for example), and to be connected to its host through a standard three-pin servo extension cable.

Note: For close-up measurements, the Ping))) sensor only needs to be roughly 8 to 10 cm above your working surface. However, if you are measuring objects that are more than a half a meter away, make sure to keep your Ping))) sensor at least half a meter above the floor. Please read the Ping))) documentation (398k pdf) for more practical considerations.


PING))) Sensor Features




  • The PING))) has only has three connections: Vdd, Vss, and one I/O pin.
  • The 3-pin header makes it easy to connect using a standard servo extension cable, no soldering required.
  • Sample code (8k zip) for using the Ping))) sensor with the BASIC Stamp is available.

Key Specifications

  • Range: 2 cm to 3 meters (~.75" to 10’)
  • Supply Voltage: 5V +/-10% (Absolute: Minimum 4.5V, Maximum 6V)
  • Supply Current: 30 mA typical, 35 mA maximum
  • 3-pin interface (power, ground, signal)
  • 20 mA power consumption
  • Narrow acceptance angle
  • Simple pulse in / pulse out communication
  • Indicator LED shows measurement in progress
  • Input Trigger: positive TTL pulse, 2 µs minimum, 5 µs typical
  • Echo Pulse: positive TTL pulse, 115 µs to 18.5 ms
  • Echo Hold-off: 750 µs from fall of trigger pulse
  • Burst Frequency: 40 kHz for 200 µs
  • Size: 22 mm H x 46 mm W x 16 mm D (0.85 in x 1.8 in x 0.6 in) 


•供電電壓:5V+/ -10%(最小4.5V,最大6V)
•電源電流:25 mA,最大30 mA
•電源消耗:20 mA
•輸入觸發:積極 TTL脈衝,2 uS min, 5 uS。
•回波脈衝:積極 TTL脈衝,115 uS 至 18.5 mS
•突發頻率:40 kHz的200uS
•尺寸:高 22 mm×寬 46 mm× D 16mm




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1 x #&NVIDIA JETSON NANO DEV-KIT-SUB版本(4GB),英偉達開發板-單主板(B01替代款)
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1 x 10psc一標 鎖緊彈性聯軸器/絲桿/步進電機/雕刻機18*25-6*6
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1 x $DFR原廠 麥昆: micro:bit教育機器人V4.0 (標配)不含V1V2主板,MakeCode圖形化編程(ROB148)
1 x ●現貨Raspberry Pi 5B專用 Camera Adapter Cable 200mm(20CM長)攝像頭連接線、軟排線
1 x &●Wio Terminal: ATSAMD51 Core / 2.4” LCD Screen 適用樹莓派(102991299
1 x *2018升級 RPLIDAR A2 360° 激光雷達測距套件 12米半徑測距 A2M8 (DFR445)
1 x 220V交流電光耦模塊/220V光耦隔離/檢測220V電壓有無/PLC/單片機
1 x ●XKC-Y28A-24V (NC常閉) 非接觸液位傳感器 / 繼電器 水位感應器 液體監測儀
1 x PIC 12F629
1 x 24V 3.2A 開關電源
1 x ●YF-8 電機正反轉控制板/調速/定時/延時/限位H橋/模塊 (可控制-24V) 含遙控
1 x 10 DOF IMU Sensor (D) 10軸傳感器 ICM20948
1 x ●(現貨)GY-906 (MLX90614-DCI) 非接觸式 長遠距離紅外測溫傳感器模塊 小角度 高精度
1 x Arduino套件 光敏光線檢測傳感器模塊(LON-)
1 x ▼●(特價,現貨)DFRobot原廠 柔性 軟性 薄膜太陽能 0.5W (FIT333)
1 x Honeywell 霍尼韋爾 壓力傳感器 164PC01D76
商品通知狀態 更多
通知▼Parallax原廠 PING超音波距離感測器 Ultrasonic Sensor (PI1605)

聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw