型號:EK030,Arducam 108MP Camera Evaluation 套件,Motorized Focus 對焦,不含三腳架
Arducam 108MP Camera Evaluation Kit, Motorized Focus
Arducam 108MP 相機評估套件,電動對焦

Package Including 配件清單
- 1 x Arducam 108MP Camera Module 相機模組
- 1 x Arducam USB 3.0 Camera Shield 相機保護罩 Plus
- 1 x USB 3.0 Camera Cable 線

Note: The Camera Evaluation Kit needs a configuration file (sent via shipping notice) and isn't plug-and-play.

Overview 概述
A USB 3 camera evaluation kit with a 108MP camera module and our USB 3.0 camera adapter for you to build quick prototypes and proofs-of-concept with any backend hardware.
USB 3 相機評估套件配備 108MP 相機模組和我們的 USB 3.0 相機轉接器,可讓您使用任何後端硬體建立快速原型和概念驗證。
The dev kit also comes with a complete SDK you can reply on to make easy integration into any machine vision applications.
該開發套件還附帶完整的 SDK,您可以依靠它輕鬆整合到任何機器視覺應用程式中。

Specifications 規格
Specs 規格 |
Resolution 解析度 / Frame Rate 幀速率* | 4000×3000@12fps,12000×9000@1fps |
Sesnor Output Format
感測器輸出格式 | RAW8 |
Exposure Control Range 曝光控制範圍 | 26us-33333us |
Gain Control Range 增益控制範圍 | 1.0-16.0 Times |
Focus Control Range
焦點控制範圍 | / |
Focal Length
焦距 | 5.89mm |
Field of View(FOV)
視場 | 82°(D) |
F.NO | 1.89 |
Focus Type
焦點類型 | Motorized Focus |
Power Consumption 功號* | / |
Operation Temperature 操作溫度 | 0-50 ℃ |
Evaluation Kit Size
評估套件尺寸 | 38mm x 38mm |
Functions 功能 |
Image File Format
影像檔案格式 | DNG/JPEG |
External Trigger Mode
外部觸發模式 | Not Supported |
Software 軟體 ISP | Not Supported |
Supported Programming Languages
支援的程式語言 | Python/C++ |
Supported OS
支援的作業系統 | Windows x86/x86_64 |
GUI(Graphical User Interface)
圖形使用者介面 | Supported |
Optional Items 選用項目 |
Random Resolution
隨機分辨率 | These addtional functions require customized serivces to get supported.
這些附加功能需要客製化服務來支援。 Please contact sales@arducam.com for customization services.
請聯絡sales@arducam.com以取得客製化服務。 |
Even Higher/Lower Frame Rate
更高/更低的幀率 |
More RAW Output Format Options(RAW10)
更多 RAW 輸出格式選項 |
Long Exposure
長期曝露 |
External Trigger Mode
外部觸發模式 |
Documentation 文件

FAQ 常問問題
Does it support other image formats?
- With post-processing from the software side, yes.
Can I use it with Raspberry Pi & Jetson Nano?
我可以將它與 Raspberry Pi 和 Jetson Nano 一起使用嗎?
- Yes, but we highly recommend using our high-res Pi/Jetson camera series.
- 是的,但我們強烈建議使用我們的高解析度 Pi/Jetson 相機系列。
Can I use custom resolutions & frame rates?
- Yes.
Does it support H.264/H.265 encoding?
-It depends on the hardware you are using the camera kit with.
