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&●Arduino® UNO R4 Minima 開發板(ABX00080/義大利原廠)UNO R3 升級版


 Arduino® UNO R4 Minima 開發板 (ABX00080)(義大利原廠) UNO R3 升級版

  Introducing the Arduino UNO R4 Minima! This board boasts the RA4M1 microprocessor from Renesas, delivering increased processing power, expanded memory, and additional peripherals. And the best part? It stays true to the reliable UNO form factor and operates at a practical 5 V voltage. Brace yourself for an upgrade like no other with the Arduino UNO R4 Minima!
  隆重推出 Arduino UNO R4 Minima!該板配備瑞薩電子 RA4M1 微處理器,可提供更高的處理能力、擴展的內存和更多外設。最好的部分是什麼?它忠實於可靠的 UNO 外形尺寸,並在實用的 5 V 電壓下運行。準備好迎接 Arduino UNO R4 Minima 獨一無二的升級吧

《Here's what the UNO R4 Minima brings to the table》功能:

  • Hardware compatibility with UNO form factor
    The UNO R4 Minima maintains the same form factor, pinout, and 5 V operating voltage as its predecessor, the UNO R3. This ensures a seamless transition for existing shields and projects, leveraging the extensive and unique ecosystem already established for the Arduino UNO.
  • Expanded memory and faster clock
      Prepare for more precise calculations and the ability to handle complex projects with ease. The UNO R4 Minima boasts increased memory and a faster clock speed, empowering you to tackle demanding tasks effortlessly.
  • Extra on-board peripherals:
      The UNO R4 Minima introduces a range of on-board peripherals, including a 12-bit DAC, CAN BUS, and OP AMP. These additional components provide you with expanded capabilities and flexibility in your designs.
  • Extended 24 V tolerance:
      The UNO R4 Minima now supports a wider input voltage range, allowing power supplies up to 24 V. This enables seamless integration with motors, LED strips, and other actuators, simplifying your projects by utilizing a single power source.
  • SWD connector:
      Debugging is a critical aspect of any project. Simply connect an external debugger to the UNO R4 Minima and effortlessly monitor the inner workings of your system. Stay in control and gain valuable insights.
  • HID support:
      The UNO R4 Minima comes with built-in HID (Human Interface Device) support, enabling it to simulate a mouse or keyboard when connected to a computer via a USB cable. This convenient feature makes it a breeze to send keystrokes and mouse movements to a computer, enhancing usability and functionality.


  新的Arduino UNO R4有兩個版本UNO R4 WiFiUNO R4 Minima。其採用Renesas RA4M1(Arm Cortex®-M4)運行,速度為48MHz,比UNO R3快3倍
此外,SRAM從 R3 的2kB增加到32kB閃存從32kB增加到256kB,以此來適應更複雜的項目。

  UNO R4 Minima為那些尋求新的微控制器而沒有額外功能的人提供了一個划算的選擇。
在UNO R3成功的基礎上,UNO R4是所有人最好的原型和學習工具。在保留UNO系列已知的特性(標準外形係數、屏蔽兼容性、5V電壓、魯棒性)的同時,增加了新的功能
由於其強大的設計和可靠的性能,UNO R4是對Arduino生態系統的一個有價值的補充。它適合初學者和有經驗的電子愛好者用於部署它們自己的項目。

  Enhanced and improved, the Arduino UNO R4 Minima is armed with a powerful 32-bit microcontroller courtesy of Renesas. Brace yourself for increased processing power, expanded memory, and a whole new level of on-board peripherals. The best part? Compatibility with existing shields and accessories remains intact, and there's no need to make any changes to the standard form factor or 5 V operating voltage.
 經過增強和改進,Arduino UNO R4 Minima 配備了瑞薩電子提供的功能強大的 32 位微控制器。準備好迎接增強的處理能力、擴展的內存和全新水平的板載外設。最好的部分?與現有屏蔽和配件的兼容性保持不變,並且無需對標準外形尺寸或 5 V 工作電壓進行任何更改。

  Joining the Arduino ecosystem, the UNO R4 is a trusty addition suitable for both beginners and seasoned electronics enthusiasts. Whether you're just starting out or looking to push the boundaries of your projects, this robust board delivers reliable performance every time.


  • R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0〕
    • 48 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 microprocessor with a floating point unit (FPU)
    • 5 V operating voltage
    • Real-time Clock (RTC)
    • Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
    • Digital Analog Converter (DAC)
  • 〔Memory〕
    • 256 kB Flash Memory
    • 32 kB SRAM
    • 8 kB Data Memory (EEPROM)
  • 〔Pins〕
    • 14x digital pins (GPIO), D0-D13
    • 6x analog input pins (ADC), A0-A5
    • 6x PWM pins: D3,D5,D6,D9,D10,D11
  • 〔Peripherals〕
    • Capacitive Touch Sensing Unit (CTSU)
    • USB 2.0 Full-Speed Module (USBFS)
    • up to 14-bit ADC
    • up to 12-bit DAC
    • Operational Amplifier (OPAMP)
  • Power
    • Recommended input voltage (VIN) is 6-24 V
    • 5 V operating voltage
    • Barrel jack connected to VIN pin
    • Power via USB-C® at 5 V
    • Schottky diodes for overvoltage and reverse polarity protection
  • 〔Communication〕
    • 1x UART (pin D0, D1)
    • 1x SPI (pin D10-D13, ICSP header)
    • 1x I2C (pin A4, A5, SDA, SCL)
    • 1x CAN (pin D4, D5, external transceiver is required)


UNO R4和UNO R3參數對比


  • 處理器:Arm cortex M4
  • 存儲:256KB Flash/32KB SRAM
  • 工作電壓:5V
  • 輸入電壓:6~24V
  • 時鐘頻率:48MHz
  • Programming port:USB-C
  • 編程端口:USB-C
  • 數字I/O接口數: 14
  • PWM接口數:6
  • ADC接口數:6
  • DAC接口數:1(12bit)
  • SPI接口數:1
  • I2C接口數:1
  • CAN接口數:1

《Tech specs》
Board Name Arduino® UNO R4 Minima
SKU ABX00080
Microcontroller Renesas RA4M1 (Arm® Cortex®-M4)
USB USB-C® Programming Port
Pins Digital I/O Pins 14
Pins Analog input pins 6
PWM pins 6
Communication UART Yes, 1x
I2C Yes, 1x
SPI Yes, 1x
CAN Yes 1 CAN Bus
Power Circuit operating voltage 5 V 
Input voltage (VIN) 6-24 V
DC Current per I/O Pin 8 mA
Clock speed Main core 48 MHz
Memory RA4M1 256 kB Flash, 32 kB RAM
ESP32-S3 384 kB ROM, 512 kB SRAM
Dimensions Width 68.85 mm
Length 53.34 mm


Q1:Can I use hardware compatible with the Arduino UNO R3 with the Arduino UNO R4 Minima? 我可以將與 Arduino UNO R3 兼容的硬件與 Arduino UNO R4 Minima一起使用嗎?
A1:Yes, the Arduino UNO R4 Minima was specifically designed to ensure compatibility with previous shields and compatible hardware developed for the Arduino UNO R3. The UNO R4 Minima maintains the same mechanical and electrical compatibility, allowing you to seamlessly use your existing shields and hardware with the new board. This makes it easy to upgrade to the UNO R4 Minima without the need for significant changes or adaptations to your projects.

Q2:Can I use my sketch developed for the UNO R3 in the UNO R4 Minima? 我可以在 UNO R4 Minima 中使用為 UNO R3 開發的草圖嗎?
if your sketch was developed using the Arduino API. In case you are using instructions only available for the AVR architecture, some changes need to be made to ensure compatibility.

Q3:Are all libraries compatible with the UNO R3 also compatible with the UNO R4 Minima? 所有與 UNO R3 兼容的庫是否也與 UNO R4 Minima 兼容?
some UNO R3 libraries use instructions of the AVR architecture that are not compatible with the architecture of the UNO R4 Minima, however there are libraries that have already been ported as part of our early adopters program or are based on the Arduino API.




 Arduino UNO R4控制器Minima版.png


If you are looking for a lightweight version of the Arduino UNO R4, you can check the Arduino UNO R4 Minima.
Arduino IoT Cloud Compatible
Use your board on Arduino's IoT Cloud, a simple and fast way to ensure secure communication for all of your connected Things.

特徵(UNO R4)
  • 硬件向後兼容性
    • UNO R4保持了與Arduino UNO R3相同的引腳排布和5V工作電壓。這意味著,現有的擴展板和項目可以輕鬆地移植到新的板子上。
  • 新的板載外設
    • UNO R4板具有多個令人興奮的新外設,包括12位DAC、CAN總線、運算放大器和SWD端口。這些新增加的外設擴展了開發者的可能性,使得更高級的項目成為可能。
  • 更多的內存和更快的時鐘
    • 隨著存儲容量的增加(16倍)和時鐘速度的提高(3倍),UNO R4 Minima可以執行更精確的計算並處理更複雜的項目。這使得製造商能夠構建更複雜和先進的項目。
  • 通過USB-C進行人機交互設備通信
    • UNO R4可以在連接到其USB-C端口時模擬鼠標或鍵盤,該功能使得製造者可以輕鬆地創建快速而酷炫的界面。
  • 較大的電壓範圍和電氣穩定性
    • UNO R4板可以使用高達24V的電源,這得益於其改進的熱設計。電路設計中採用了多重保護措施,以降低不熟悉使用者的接線錯誤對板子或電腦造成的損壞風險。此外,RA4M1微控制器的引腳具有過流保護功能,可以提供額外的保護,防止錯誤發生。
  • 電容觸摸支持
    • UNO R4板上使用的RA4M1微控制器原生支持電容觸摸。
特點(UNO R4 WiFi)
  • 硬件向後兼容性
    • UNO R4保持了與Arduino UNO R3相同的引腳排布和5V工作電壓。這意味著,現有的擴展板和項目可以輕鬆地移植到新的板子上。
  • 新的板載外設
    • UNO R4板具有多個令人興奮的新外設,包括12位DAC、CAN總線、運算放大器和SWD端口。這些新增加的外設擴展了開發者的可能性,使得更高級的項目成為可能。
  • 更多的內存和更快的時鐘
    • 隨著存儲容量的增加(16倍)和時鐘速度的提高(3倍),UNO R4 Minima可以執行更精確的計算並處理更複雜的項目。這使得製造商能夠構建更複雜和先進的項目。
  • 通過USB-C進行人機交互設備通信
    • UNO R4可以在連接到其USB-C端口時模擬鼠標或鍵盤,該功能使得製造者可以輕鬆地創建快速而酷炫的界面。
  • 較大的電壓範圍和電氣穩定性
    • UNO R4板可以使用高達24V的電源,這得益於其改進的熱設計。電路設計中採用了多重保護措施,以降低不熟悉使用者的接線錯誤對板子或電腦造成的損壞風險。此外,RA4M1微控制器的引腳具有過流保護功能,可以提供額外的保護,防止錯誤發生。
  • 電容觸摸支持
    • UNO R4板上使用的RA4M1微控制器原生支持電容觸摸。
  • 強大且價格合理
    • UNO R4 Minima以具有競爭力的價格提供了令人印象深刻的性能。這款板子是一個特別實惠的選擇,鞏固了Arduino讓高端技術普及化的承諾。
  • SWD引腳用於調試
    • 板載的SWD端口為製造商提供了一種簡單可靠的方式來連接第三方調試探針。這個特性確保了項目的可靠性,並允許高效地調試任何潛在問題。
UNO R4和UNO R3參數對比

Get Inspired
Predicting soccer matches with ML on the UNO R4 MinimaJune 28, 2023

Based on the Renesas RA4M1 microcontroller, the new Arduino UNO R4 boasts 16x the RAM, 8x the flash, and a much faster CPU compared to the previous UNO R3. This means that unlike its predecessor, the R4 is capable of running machine learning at the edge to perform inferencing of incoming data. With this fact in mind, Roni Bandini wanted to leverage his UNO R4 Minima by training a model to predict the likelihood of a FIFA team winning their match. Bandini began his project by first downloading a dataset containing historical FIFA matches, including the country, team, opposing team, ranking, and neutral location. Next, the data was added to Edge impulse as a time-series dataset which feeds into a Keras classifier ML block and produces “win” and “lose/draw” values. Once trained, the model achieved an accuracy of 69% with a loss value of 0.58. Inputting the desired country and rank to make a prediction is done by making selections on a DFRobot LCD shield, and these values are then used to populate the input tensor for the model before it gets invoked and returns its classification results. Bandini's device demonstrates how much more powerful the Arduino UNO R4 is over the R3, and additional information on the project can be found here in his post.


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聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw