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SparkFun RedBoard Plus (DEV-18158)


SparkFun RedBoard Plus (DEV-18158)



At SparkFun we continually like to innovate, update, and improve even when it comes to our very own development boards. The SparkFun RedBoard Plus is an Arduino-compatible development board that has everything you need in an Arduino Uno with many extra perks. The best part about the RedBoard Plus is that it utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system!
在SparkFun,我們不斷創新,更新和改進,即使是我們自己的開發板。SparkFun RedBoard Plus是一款與Arduino相容的開發板,在Arduino Uno中擁有您所需的一切,並具有許多額外的功能。關於RedBoard Plus的最好的部分是它利用了我們方便的Qwiic連接系統,這意味著無需焊接或遮罩即可將其連接到系統的其餘部分!

We've applied every lesson we've learned about making a better Arduino Uno and created the RedBoard Plus! The SparkFun RedBoard Plus has all of the hardware peripherals you know and love: 22x Digital I/O pins with 6x PWM pins, 8x analog pins, UART, I2C, SPI, and external interrupts. We've also broken out the SDA, SCL and IOREF pins that showed up on the Arduino Uno R3 footprint, so the RedBoard Plus is compatible with future shields (if you choose to use them). Two additional analog pins are included for A6 and A7.

我們應用了我們學到的關於製作更好的Arduino Uno的每一個教訓,並創建了RedBoard Plus!SparkFun RedBoard Plus擁有您熟悉和喜愛的所有硬體外設:22個數位I / O引腳,6個PWM引腳,8個類比引腳,UART,I2C、SPI 和外部中斷。我們還細分了Arduino Uno R3封裝上出現的SDA,SCL和IOREF引腳,因此RedBoard Plus與未來的擴展板相容(如果您選擇使用它們)。A6 和 A7 還包括兩個額外的類比引腳。

The USB-to-serial is now done with a reversible USB-C connector with through hole anchoring and the ubiquitous CH340G requiring fewer driver installs. The power portion of the RedBoard Plus has been optimized: we use the AP2112 3.3V voltage regulator to provide up to 600mA to daisy chain multiple Qwiic boards and sensors, with full thermal and reverse circuit protection, and added extra decoupling capacitance to increase the sensitivity of the ADC readings. We've also increased the PTC from 500mA to 2A. We've decreased the brightness of the power LED, pin 13 LED, and the TX/RX LEDs from blinding to just perfect.

USB到串行現在使用具有通孔錨固的可逆USB-C連接器和無處不在的CH340G來完成,需要更少的驅動程序安裝。RedBoard Plus的功率部分已經過優化:我們使用AP2112 3.3V穩壓器提供高達600mA的以菊花鏈形式連接多個Qwiic板和感測器,具有完整的熱和反向電路保護,並增加了額外的去耦電容,以提高ADC讀數的靈敏度。我們還將 PTC 從 500mA 提高到 2A。我們將電源LED、引腳13 LED和TX/RX LED的亮度從盲法降低到完美。

We've included 3.3V voltage translation and a Qwiic connector to the edge of the board to allow for quick and seamless connection to our ever-growing line of I2C based Qwiic products. Jumpers are included on the board for the A4 and A5 pins which are tied directly to the I2C bus and can be used to disconnect the logic level converters from the pins.

我們在電路板邊緣集成了 3.3V 電壓轉換和 Qwiic 連接器,以便快速無縫地連接到我們不斷增長的 I 系列2基於C的Qwiic產品。A4 和 A5 引腳的電路板上包含跳線,這些引腳直接連接到 I2C 總線,可用於斷開邏輯電平轉換器與引腳的連接。

For more advanced users we've added an I/O voltage switch also known as the "Red Squirrel" switch (because they are the one who petitioned for the mod). Now you can easily select the GPIO voltage between 3.3V or 5V with just your finger. This is extremely handy if you have a shield or 3.3V sensitive devices, such as an SPI interface, that needs protecting. Worried about accidentally flipping the switch? A piece of tape will lock it in place!

對於更高級的使用者,我們添加了一個I / O電壓開關,也稱為「紅松鼠」開關(因為他們是申請mod的人)。現在,您只需手指即可輕鬆選擇 3.3V 或 5V 之間的 GPIO 電壓。如果您有需要保護的遮罩或3.3V敏感器件(如SPI介面),這將非常方便。擔心不小心扳動開關?一塊膠帶會將其鎖定到位!

We include clearly labeled PTH holes alongside the standard female headers. This makes it very easy to solder wires in place for a secure connection to make your project 'backpack safe' once you get it working. Solder pads are included on the bottom of the board for USB data pins D+/D- so you can embed your RedBoard Plus into a project and run an external USB connection. We've increased the height of the reset button. This doesn't sound like much, but everyone who's touched it loves the improvement.

我們在標準母頭旁邊包括明確標記的 PTH 孔。這使得焊接電線非常容易到位,以實現安全連接,一旦您開始工作,使您的專案“背包安全”。電路板底部包含焊盤,用於USB數據引腳 D+/D-,因此您可以將 RedBoard Plus 嵌入到專案中並運行外部 USB 連接。我們增加了重置按鈕的高度。這聽起來並不多,但每個接觸過它的人都喜歡它的改進。

The SparkFun RedBoard Plus can be programmed over a USB-C cable using the Arduino IDE: Just plug in the board, select "Arduino UNO" from the board menu and you're ready to upload code! You can power the SparkFun RedBoard Plus over USB or through the barrel jack. The on-board power regulator can handle anything from 7VDC to 15VDC. Check out the related items below for a compatible wall-wart power supply.

SparkFun RedBoard Plus可以使用Arduino IDE通過USB-C電纜進行程式設計:只需插入開發板,從開發板功能表中選擇“Arduino UNO”,即可上傳代碼!您可以通過USB或通過桶形插孔為SparkFun RedBoard Plus供電。板載電源穩壓器可處理從 7VDC 到 15VDC 的任何東西。請查看以下相關專案,瞭解相容的壁掛式電源適配器。

Not sure which Arduino or Arduino-compatible board is right for you? Check out our Arduino Buying Guide!

不確定哪種 Arduino 或 Arduino 相容主機板適合您?查看我們的Arduino購買指南

The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. All Qwiic-enabled boards use a common 1mm pitch, 4-pin JST connector. This reduces the amount of required PCB space, and polarized connections mean you can’t hook it up wrong.
SparkFun Qwiic Connect System是I的一個生態系統。2C 型感測器、執行器、擴展板和電纜,使原型設計更快,更不容易出錯。所有支援 Qwiic 的電路板均使用通用的 1mm 間距 4 針 JST 連接器。這減少了所需的PCB空間量,並且極化連接意味著您不會將其錯誤地連接。


  • ATmega328P microcontroller with Optiboot (UNO) Bootloader
  • Input voltage 輸入電壓
    • 7V to 15V via barrel jack
    • 5V via USB-C
  • Voltage Regulators 穩壓器
    • LM1117 adjusted to 5V
    • AP2112 for 3.3V
  • Built-in Resettable PTC Fuse 5V/2A
  • CH340G Serial-to-USB Converter
  • 3.3V to 5V Logic Level Switch
  • 22x Digital I/O Pins (6x PWM Outputs, 8x Analog Inputs, 1x UART, 1x I2C, 1x SPI)
    • 1x Qwiic Connector
    • A4/A5 Jumpers
  • 2x3 ISP Header
  • 32kB Flash Memory
  • 16MHz Clock Speed
  • All SMD Construction
  • R3 Shield Compatible
  • Improved Reset Button



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1 x #YYE-1 (5V) 串口控制單片機USB控制開關PLC RS232 繼電器模塊電腦板5V 12V 24V
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1 x &●書 The Official Raspberry Pi Beginners Guide 初學者指南第4版 Pi4、Pi400
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1 x 895直流電機馬達 (895台鋸+400W電源)
1 x #MicroUSB 轉 DIP 轉接板(綠板),2.54mm 5Pin轉接板 母座B型DIP
1 x Allo系列 PIANO 2.1 DAC 音頻模組 樹莓派
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1 x #*Raspberry Pi 樹莓派 原廠 7吋屏 + 7吋觸控螢幕外殼(一體殼)-Pi3版本
1 x 型號:B0345,Arducam USB Camera Shield 並行相機轉接板(Rev.A) 適配板
1 x *停產,NVIDIA JETSON NANO 開發套件V1 A02 64bit (風扇、外殼、電源、SD卡另購)
1 x M12評估板 自製PLC DIY PLC 單片機
1 x (721 升級款 拾音器)德產Schaller沙勒吉他拾音器 民謠古典尤克里裡提琴古箏弦 擴音器
1 x LED Display Driver (8-Digit) - MAX7219CNG LED 驅動器IC
1 x ▽●(現貨*)Pycom 開發板 LoPy V1.0 - LoRa + WiFi + BLE(ada3339)
1 x Seeed原廠 RaspiRobot Board v3 樹莓派 擴展板 擴充板 (114990293)
1 x ●海備思 HAGiBiS 鋁合金USB耳麥合一外接式音效卡(單孔)(MA24)
1 x ●USB-CNV3 PLC編程電纜 數據線
1 x ●YFI-1 直流電流檢測過流保護模塊 電機堵轉保護板 電流傳感器 12 24V
1 x 36mm Square 12V Digital RGB LED Pixels WS2801(ada2950)
1 x $ reTerminal CM4104032/帶有樹莓派Pi CM4、5寸電容觸控屏、嵌入式Linux110070048
1 x 進口原裝暗字lm1875 2.1聲道功放板 低音炮(成品板不帶散熱片)
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1 x ●型號:B012001,Arducam原廠 Raspberry Pi Camera V2.2 樹莓派 多攝像機適配器模塊
1 x 2.1帶重低音大功率TDA7293三聲道功放板(BTL版) 帶喇叭保護電路
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1 x ATTINY2313V-10PI
1 x FPGA用16X2文字型LCD(藍光)
1 x PLC FX1N 20MR工控板 線上下載 編程 監控 文本 斷電保持 32位元晶片 新增485介面
1 x 雕刻機經濟型 CNC對刀塊 對刀器 對刀儀 雕刻機配件 對刀塊
1 x ●三菱plc通訊模組 FX3U-232-BD 三菱FX3U用232介面通訊板
1 x 遙控坦克船 充電動水陸兩棲坦克遙控車玩具汽車(噴水型24883A/C.升級雙砲台+3電池套餐)
1 x ●(特價*/現貨) WiFi Mini 開發板,RedBearLab 原廠(台灣獨家代理) CC3200
1 x (售完*) BLE Nano v2 開發板,RedBearLab 原廠(台灣獨家代理) nRF5x
1 x #Raspberry Pi 樹莓派專用無線網卡Mini USB 802.11n 150Mbps 150M迷你網卡
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1 x (缺貨)DotStar Digital LED Strip - White白色 144 LED/m - 1米 (ada2242)
1 x ▼SparkFun原廠 Real Time Clock Module 實時時鐘模組(BOB-12708)
1 x Allo系列 PIANO DAC 音頻模組 樹莓派
1 x ●樹莓派 Raspberry Pi CM4專用散熱風扇(CM4-FAN-3007-12V版本)低噪音 帶散熱貼
1 x *(缺貨)12.48inch e-Paper Module(裸板/帶殼)12.48寸 電子墨水屏 1304×984(黑白雙色)
1 x #【原廠7吋螢幕,加價升級】SmartiPi Touch Pro 標配:黑色S款→ 白色S款
1 x ●杜邦公頭 轉 2MM香蕉插頭 30CM 10P (10條一組)
1 x (10pcs)4.3-4.4W 單晶矽太陽能電池片 太陽能板 156x156
1 x (售完*) RedBearLab原廠(台灣獨家代理) Wi-Fi Micro Kit開發板/CC3200 Wi-Fi Mi
1 x 香橙派 全志 2G-IOT 開發板 2G Iot
1 x 手動脹管器 6mm-22mm 銅管脹管器 空調維修 銅鋁管擴口器製冷工具 (飛越脹管器) 送筆試絞刀
1 x $請先詢價 UDOO X86 專用 BLU SENSER 藍芽模組
1 x >(停產)(書BOOK)樹莓派 Python樹莓派編程 9787111550303
1 x 2百萬像素攝像頭OV2640模組、模塊帶轉接板(含所有電源)(BB-3756)
1 x &●Raspberry Pi3B/3B+ 樹莓派 原廠電源 5.1V 2.5A 13W 電源組 官方原廠 microUSBTEXT_PRODUCTS_ADD
1 x ▼SparkFun Artemis Development Kit(DEV-16828)
1 x A603 Carrier Board 底板,適用Jetson Orin NX/Nano核心板(102110840)
1 x 89C58RD+
1 x $請先詢價UDOO NEO FULL開發板 / Cortex-A9核心板 Cortex-M4內存 RAM 1GB
1 x 4G聯發科MTK6735四核手機開發板MT6735安卓核心板通信LTE模塊方案
商品通知狀態 更多
通知SparkFun RedBoard Plus (DEV-18158)

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