
SparkFun Qwiic Mini dToF Imager 激光測距 - TMF8820 (SEN-19218)

The SparkFun Qwiic dToF TMF8820 Imager is a direct time-of-flight (dToF) sensor that includes a single modular package with an associated Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) from AMS. The dToF device is based on Single Photon Avalanche Photodiode (SPAD), time-to-digital converter (TDC) and histogram technology to achieve a 5000mm detection range. Due to its lens on the SPAD, it supports 3x3 multizone output data and a very wide, dynamically adjustable field of view. A multi-lens-array (MLA) inside the package above the VCSEL widens up the FoI (field of illumination). All processing of the raw data is performed on-chip and the TMF8820 provides distance information together with confidence values on its I2C interface. The high performance on-chip optical filter blocks most of the ambient light, and enables distance measurements in dark and sunlight environments.
SparkFun Qwiic dToF TMF8820 成像儀是一款直接飛行時間 (dToF) 感測器,包括一個模組化封裝和AMS相關的垂直腔面發射雷射器 (VCSEL)。dToF器件基於單光子雪崩光電二極體(SPAD),時間數位轉換器(TDC)和直方圖技術,可實現5000mm的檢測範圍。由於其SPAD上的鏡頭,它支援3x3多區域輸出數據和非常寬廣,動態可調的視野。VCSEL上方封裝內的多透鏡陣列(MLA)拓寬了FoI(照明領域)。原始數據的所有處理均在片上執行,TMF8820 在其 I 上提供距離資訊以及置信度值2C 介面。高性能片上光學濾光片可阻擋大部分環境光,並可在黑暗和陽光下進行距離測量。
To make it even easier to get your readings, all communication is enacted exclusively via I2C, utilizing our handy Qwiic system so no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system. However, we still have broken out 0.1”-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard. The TMF8820 offers two configurable GPIO pins and one enable (EN) pin, which are broken out as PTH pads. The board also includes a power LED and I2C pull-up resistors, each configurable via jumpers. This version has a footprint that uses the Qwiic Standard size (1.0in. x 1.0in.). For a smaller footprint, check out our Qwiic Mini dToF TMF8820 Imager board!
為了更容易獲得讀數,所有通信都通過I進行2C,利用我們方便的Qwiic系統,因此無需焊接即可將其連接到系統的其餘部分。但是,我們仍然打破了0.1“間隔的引腳,以防您更喜歡使用麵包板。TMF8820 提供兩個可配置的 GPIO 引腳和一個使能 (EN) 引腳,它們以 PTH 焊盤的形式分接。該板還包括一個電源 LED 和 I2C 上拉電阻,每個可通過跳線進行配置。此版本的封裝使用 Qwiic 標準尺寸(1.0 英寸 x 1.0 英寸)。要獲得更小的佔地面積,請查看我們的 Qwiic Mini dToF TMF8820 成像儀板!
This sensor is great for projects such as distance measurement for camera autofocus - Laser Detect Autofocus - LDAF (mobile phone), presence detection (computing and communication), object detection and collision avoidance (robotics), and light curtain (industrial).
該感測器非常適合相機自動對焦的距離測量 - 激光檢測自動對焦 - LDAF(手機),存在檢測(計算和通信),物體檢測和防撞(機器人)以及光幕(工業)等專案。
注:2014 年 1 類鐳射產品分類 IEC 60825-1。
Important: We recommend a microcontroller with enough flash to run your program code. Sorry, Uno's (or any development board using the ATmega328P) are out. We recommend choosing either an Artemis Thing Plus, ESP32 Thing Plus, or comparable device as your development board.
重要:我們建議使用具有足夠快閃記憶體的微控制器來運行程序代碼。抱歉,Uno(或任何使用 ATmega328P 的開發板)已經出局。我們建議您選擇Artemis Thing Plus,ESP32 Thing Plus或類似的設備作為您的開發板。
The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. All Qwiic-enabled boards use a common 1mm pitch, 4-pin JST connector. This reduces the amount of required PCB space, and polarized connections mean you can’t hook it up wrong.
SparkFun Qwiic Connect System是I的一個生態系統。2C 型感測器、執行器、擴展板和電纜,使原型設計更快,更不容易出錯。所有支援 Qwiic 的電路板均使用通用的 1mm 間距 4 針 JST 連接器。這減少了所需的PCB空間量,並且極化連接意味著您不會將其錯誤地連接。

- Operating Voltage 工作電壓
- 2.7V to 3.6V
- (typically 3.3V via Qwiic cable)
- Current Consumption 電流消耗
- 8µA (standby)
- 57mA (active)
- AMS TMF8821 Multi-zone Time-of-Flight Sensor
- Direct ToF technology with high sensitivity SPAD detection
- 3x3 configurable multi-zone configuration with multi-object detection
- Fast Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) architecture
- Sub-nanosecond light pulse
- On-chip histogram processing
- High performance on-chip sunlight rejection filter and algorithm
- Measurement Range 測量範圍 : 10mm to 5000mm @ 30Hz
- Light Source 光源 : Class 1 940nm VCSEL
- Field of View 視野 : adjustable up to 63° diagonally
- Max Read Rate 最大讀取速率 : up to 30Hz
- 2x Qwiic Connectors
- I2C Address: 0x41
- Operating Temperature Range 工作溫度範圍
- Breakout Pads 分線墊
- 1x Ground
- 1x Power
- 1x I2C Port
- 1x Interrupt
- 2x GPIO
- 1x Enable
- Power LED 電源LED (configurable via jumper 可透過跳線設定 )
- I2C pull-ups (configurable via jumper 可透過跳線設定 )
- Board Dimensions 電路板尺寸 : 0.5" x 1.0" (1.27cm x 2.54cm)