2023新品 原廠 Analog Discovery 3(410-415)
125 MS/s USB Oscilloscope, Waveform Generator, Logic Analyzer, and Variable Power Supply 示波器、波形發生器、邏輯分析儀和可變電源


Accessories 配件
The Analog Discovery 3 has access to all of the adapters and accessories from its previous version, as well as the new Audio Adapter+. These accessories, like the Transistor Tester, Impedance Analyzer, and Breadboard Adapter, are available to buy from our online store./可以使用之前版本的所有適配器和配件,以及新的音頻適配器+。這些配件,如晶體管測試儀、阻抗分析儀和麵包板適配器,可從我們的在線商店購買
If you’re looking to buy an oscilloscope, the AD3 is a digital oscilloscope option that is a complete solution, meaning that you won’t have to shop for more benchtop equipment./如果您想購買示波器,AD3 是一款數字示波器選項,它是一個完整的解決方案,這意味著您無需購買更多台式設備。

– Backwards compatible with Analog Discovery 2 projects — so long as it didn’t use the 1.8 V input setting for digital pins.
– Adjustable System Clock Frequency between 50 MHz and 125 MHz, allowing for up to a 125 MS/s simultaneous sampling rate on all channels for the analog inputs, analog outputs, and digital I/O.
– All instruments always available in every configuration. No more losing access to digital I/O when allocating more buffer to the Wavegen.
– USB Type C connection, USB 2.0 data rate. USB 3.2 Gen 1’s extra throughput didn’t add enough value in most applications.
– Two differential 14-bit resolution analog inputs with 9 MHz bandwidth at -3 dB when using the MTE cables. Up to 16 bit resolution when sampling at 1/4 of the system clock frequency. ±2.5 V and ±25 V input ranges. Maximum sample buffer size doubled from 16k to 32k per channel (64k when only using 1 channel). Hardware FIR filters for each input. Record mode rate increased to 10 MS/s. Digital loopback of Wavegen and Power Supply output supported.
– Two single ended ±5 V analog outputs with 14-bit resolution and 9 MHz bandwidth at -3 dB when using MTE cables. Maximum sample buffer size doubled from 16k to 32k per channel. FM/PM and AM/SUM buffers on each channel increased to a minimum of 2k samples with 16-bit resolution. Digital loopback of received Scope data supported.
– 16 digital I/O pins at 3.3 LVCMOS supporting 5 V inputs. Maximum sample size doubled from 16k to 32k per channel. All digital pins and the two trigger pins can have their Pull resistor configured.
– +5 V and -5 V power supplies now supply up to 800 mA (2.4 W) each. Integrated readback of the supplied voltage supported.

《Discover More with the New Analog Discovery 3》
Digilent’s latest multi-function test and measurement device, also known as the AD3, is a digital oscilloscope, logic analyzer, waveform generator, pattern generator, and much more. Using the flexible WaveForms software (supported by Windows, Mac, and Linux), the Analog Discovery 3 can be used in the lab, in the field, or even at home - you're no longer tied down to a traditional benchtop and stacks of expensive test instruments./Digilent 最新的多功能測試和測量設備(也稱為 AD3)是數字示波器、邏輯分析儀、波形發生器、碼型發生器等。使用靈活的 WaveForms 軟件(受 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 支持),Analog Discovery 3 可以在實驗室、現場甚至在家中使用 - 您不再受傳統台式機和一堆設備的束縛。昂貴的測試儀器。
Like its predecessor, the Analog Discovery 3 is a portable USB-powered test and measurement device, though it now features an upgraded USB-C® connection. It’s lightweight and small enough to fit in your pocket or backpack, so it becomes an exceptional companion for any engineer.
《Expanded WaveForms Features》
The Analog Discovery 3 boasts a larger-than-ever buffer size, allowing more data to be sent through the waveform generator and received through the mixed signal (analog and digital) oscilloscope. It also has an increased sampling rate of up to 125 MS/s on all channels and a more potent power supply (up to 800 mA). The larger buffers allow you to capture longer records at high resolution and enable more complex AWG signals. Modulated AWG signals also take advantage of larger buffers, and more complex modulated signals have been added including phase modulation and summation.
This iteration of our most popular Analog Discovery digital oscilloscope also allows engineers access to new powerful features in WaveForms like the FIR (finite impulse response) Filter. Through the use of optional FIR filters on Oscilloscope input channels, users can reduce the amount of high frequency noise that could affect the quality of their measurements. Digital loopback of captured signals to the AWG, both filtered and unfiltered, is now supported. AWG output signals can now also be recaptured through digital loopback and displayed alongside signals returned from a circuit under test.
The AD3 is built on the next generation Xilinx FPGA, opening up even more features and future enhancements over time with software updates./AD3 基於下一代 Xilinx FPGA 構建,隨著時間的推移,通過軟件更新可提供更多功能和未來增強功能。

《Oscilloscope: Unparalleled Precision and Versatility/示波器:無與倫比的精度和多功能性》
The AD3 oscilloscope boasts two differential channels with 14-bit resolution, offering unmatched precision and signal fidelity. With a maximum sampling rate of 125 MS/s per channel and a broad ±25 V input range, the AD3 delivers exceptional performance even in demanding applications. The device offers a bandwidth of over 30 MHz with a BNC Adapter, ensuring accurate measurements across a wide range of frequencies. Additionally, the AD3 provides user-configurable FIR filters and a lock-in amplifier, allowing engineers to extract critical information from complex signals. With features like FFT, Spectrogram, Eye Diagram, and XY Plot views, the AD3 empowers engineers to explore and analyze signals with remarkable depth and clarity.

《Arbitrary Waveform Generator: Unleashing Creativity and Flexibility/任意波形發生器:釋放創造力和靈活性》
Featuring two channels with 14-bit resolution and a sampling rate of up to 125 MS/s per channel, the AD3’s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) provides engineers with unparalleled flexibility. With a ±5 V output range and a bandwidth of 12 MHz (with BNC Adapter), the AD3 AWG allows for the generation of standard and custom waveforms, as well as amplitude and frequency modulated signals. Furthermore, the AD3 supports direct playback from analog inputs and enables the creation of custom waveforms, empowering engineers to unleash their creativity and develop precise and complex signal patterns effortlessly.

《Logic Analyzer and Pattern Generator: Comprehensive Digital Analysis /邏輯分析儀和模式發生器:綜合數字分析 》
The AD3’s logic analyzer and pattern generator capabilities equip engineers with powerful tools for digital analysis. With 16 digital I/O channels operating at up to 125 MS/s per channel, engineers can capture and analyze digital signals with ease. The AD3 supports individually-configurable 3.3 V digital inputs and outputs, with 5 V tolerant inputs. The device provides extensive protocol support, including SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, JTAG, enabling engineers to interface with a wide range of digital systems. Simple state machines and digital logic are available through the ROM logic within the pattern generator. The AD3’s logic analyzer functionality also extends to custom protocols, ensuring compatibility with diverse application requirements.

《Programmable Power Supplies: Enhanced Control and Efficiency/可編程電源:增強控制和效率》
The AD3’s programmable power supplies offer engineers the ability to fine-tune voltage levels with precision. Ranging from 0.5 V to 5 V and -0.5 V to -5 V, these variable power supplies provide versatility for powering various components. When used with an auxiliary power source, the AD3 can deliver up to 800 mA per channel, enabling engineers to meet the power requirements of their designs efficiently.

《Additional Features: Expanding Boundaries and Integration/附加功能:擴展邊界和集成》
In addition to its core functionalities, the AD3 offers an impressive array of additional features that enhance its versatility and usability. With software instruments such as Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Impedance Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, and Data Logger, engineers gain access to comprehensive analysis capabilities within a single device. The AD3 also includes a voltmeter, in-app scripting capabilities, and virtual digital I/O, allowing engineers to simulate and interact with buttons, switches, and LEDs effortlessly. Furthermore, the AD3 provides an SDK for hardware control in popular programming languages such as C, C++, Python, and more. This enables engineers to integrate the AD3 seamlessly into their existing workflows and customize its functionalities to suit their specific needs.

《Audio Adapter+: Expanding Audio Capabilities/音頻適配器+:擴展音頻功能》
The Audio Adapter+ is a module that allows the Analog Discovery 3 to capture and analyze audio signals from external sources and to easily connect audio signals generated by the device to audio devices like headphones and speakers. It is capable of both Mono and Stereo audio for both the Wavegen and Scope instruments. The Audio Adapter+ is equipped with 2×15 MTE connectors, which makes it compatible with both the AD3 and backwards compatible with previous devices in the family. An additional 2×15 MTE connector is loaded as a pass through for the digital signals, power supplies, and others, so that these other instruments can be used simultaneously to support complex applications.

《Compatible with the AD2: Effortless Migration/與 AD2 兼容:輕鬆遷移》
The Analog Discovery 3 shares the same 2×15 header with the Analog Discovery 2. This allows for existing workspaces using the AD2 to be quickly and easily migrated to the AD3 by simply selecting “Yes” when asked if you want to open your old project with the Analog Discovery 3.

Updates to WaveForms
The Analog Discovery 3 isn’t the only thing receiving some TLC; Digilent’s WaveForms software is stepping up its game with a new release to take advantage of the new hardware capabilities. Analog signals to and from the arbitrary waveform generator and oscilloscope on the AD3, ADP3450/3250, and the Eclypse Z7 can be looped back to the other instrument, enabling engineers to view and manipulate the signals with ease.
FIR and IIR filter support has also been added to the 3000-series and Eclypse, giving users multiple options for smoothing out an incoming signal before it reaches the oscilloscope’s acquisition hardware. With multiple windowing functions for FIR and several IIR filters, a wide range of options to clean unstable analog data are at the users fingertips.
WaveForms also now introduces Dual mode for all devices. Sometimes even the four analog input channels on the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450) isn’t enough for complex tests. Previously, you had to pull up a second instance of WaveForms, assign the second ADP3450 to that instance, then individually configure the instruments on each device to properly send and receive triggers, all so you could cross compare separate sets of data together afterwards. With dual mode, the hassle is taken away; simply choose your first device, then select your dual second identical device, connect the trigger lines as instructed by WaveForms, and enjoy a unified single view of the two Test and Measurement devices working in tandem.
Record mode for devices has also been upgraded. Previously, the Analog Discovery 2 was limited to a maximum of 1 MS/s while recording analog input data, but with the newest version of WaveForms this has been doubled to 2 MS/s. The Analog Discovery 3 enjoys a five-fold improvement with up to 10 MS/s while recording Scope data. Devices like the ADP3450 and Eclypse Z7 that enjoy built-in DDR memory can now, in addition to the aforementioned faster USB streaming, record data into memory at their maximum sample rates.


What’s Different with the Analog Discovery 3?/Analog Discovery 3 有什麼不同?

《Sample Buffer Size: / 樣本緩衝區大小》
This is the biggest hardware improvement that the Analog Discovery 3 benefits from is thanks to the Spartan 7 FPGA present inside the device instead of the Spartan 6. All of the sample buffers for collecting data (or sending customized data out for things like the Waveform and Pattern Generators) have doubled in size. Instead of only being able to collect up to 16,384 samples of analog and digital data per channel (the amount of buffer allocated to each instrument type is dependent on what
Device Configuration you select of course) that the Analog Discovery 2 was limited to, each system can now acquire (or send out) up to 32,768 samples at the full sample rate per channel. Admittedly, with this larger amount of data capture you will be on the hook for analyzing longer sequences of complex data, but that’s what you wanted right?
Large sample buffer sizes aren’t the only ones that benefit; all of the minimum sample buffers have been increased as well. Previously on the Analog Discovery 2, if you selected Configuration 4 to increase the Logic Analyzer and Pattern Generator to their maximum sample size of 16,384 samples per channel, the analog channels suffered quite a bit with the analog input channels on the Oscilloscope, dropping down to a 512 sample buffer size. The analog output channels on the Arbitrary Waveform Generator suffered even further, going to only 256 samples. Configuration 3 was even worse, dropping support for the Logic Analyzer and Pattern Generator entirely to let the AWG have 16,384 samples./大樣本緩衝區大小並不是唯一受益的因素;所有最小樣本緩衝區也都增加了。
以前在 Analog Discovery 2 上,
如果您選擇配置 4 將邏輯分析器和碼型生成器增加到每通道 16,384 個樣本的最大樣本大小
則模擬通道與示波器上的模擬輸入通道相比會受到相當大的影響,下降到 512 個樣本緩衝區大小。
任意波形發生器上的模擬輸出通道受到的影響更大,只有 256 個樣本。
配置 3 更糟糕,完全放棄了對邏輯分析器和模式生成器的支持,讓 AWG 擁有 16,384 個樣本。
Not so with the Analog Discovery 3; now all systems both analog and digital will have at least 2,048 samples to work with no matter what configuration is selected./
Analog Discovery 3 則不然;現在,無論選擇何種配置,所有模擬和數字系統都將至少有 2,048 個樣本可供使用。