What’s Included in the BrickPi Starter Kit? (清單內含...)
- BrickPi+ board 主板
- BrickPi Upgraded 6-sided Acrylic Case 外殼
- Battery Power Pack (8AA batteries not included)電池盒,不含電池
- microSD Card with Dexter Industries Software “Raspbian for Robots” SD卡
- Mini Wi-Fi Dongle WiFi
- Raspberry Pi 3 主板
- Power Supply Wall Adapter (110 V) is recommended so you don’t drain the batteries while you are programming. 電源
- Ethernet Cable 網路線
What’s required for assembly but NOT included? (不包含)
PLEASE NOTE: LEGO parts are NOT included.
- LEGO MINDSTORMS sensors, motors, cables & technic parts 傳感器、電機、線及配件
- Tiny (jewelry-sized) phillips head screwdriver is recommended for assembly of the case.
- 8AA Batteries
What else do I need to know?
Key Features:
- Connect up to 4 NXT or EV3 motors.
- Connect up to 4 NXT or EV3 sensors, both digital and analog.
- Battery pack powers the Raspberry Pi.
- Write in other languages such as Python, Scratch & Java.
- Connect your LEGO MINDSTORMS robot to the web to control it remo y or integrate other internet services and data.
- Attach your LEGO Technic bricks to the BrickPi case to build an awesome robot!
This kit is best for people that already have LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT or EV3 and wants one or more of the following:
- more processing power
- program in other languages (such as C, Python or Scratch)
- interact with the web (web services, stream data somewhere, control remo y)
- integrate wi-fi
- integrate other 3rd party sensors
We do not sell the core LEGO motors or sensors, but we have developed a few cool ones of our own like the DGPS.不賣馬達、傳感器...(樹莓派的可以參考我們的樹莓派pi3主頁)
If you don’t already have LEGO MINDSTORMS, you might want to start with our other complete Raspberry Pi robot kit, the GoPiGo.