Pimoroni Unicorn Hat - 8x8 RGB LED Shield for Raspberry Pi A+/B+
Pimoroni Unicorn Hat - 8x8 RGB LED 矩陣燈 適用樹莓派 (ada2288)
Snap the Pimoroni Unicorn Hat on top of a Raspberry Pi model A+ or a model B+ for a fun 8x8 RGB LED matrix powered directly from the Pi.
捕捉的 Pimoroni Unicorn Hat 適用樹莓派Pi A +或 Pi B+(Pi 2B) ,一個有趣的8x8 RGB LED矩陣直接從郫縣供電。
Unicorn HAT provides a wash of controllable color that is ideal for mood-lighting, 8x8 pixel art, persistence of vision effects, status indications, or just blasting colour into your surroundings.
Unicorn Hat 提供可控顏色的洗滌,是理想的情調照明,8×8像素藝術,視覺效果的持久性,狀態指示,或者只是爆破色彩融入周圍的環境。
- 64 RGB LEDs (WS2812B) each wtih 24-bit RGB color
- Python API (NeoPixel compatible!)
- EEPROM with Raspberry Pi HAT configuration details
- LED data driven via DMA over PWM Pin #18
Technical Details