The credit-card-sized computer has become even smaller! The Raspberry Pi Zero W is still the Pi you know and love, but at a largely reduced size of only 65mm long by 30mm wide and at a very economical price. With the addition of wireless LAN and Bluetooth, the Raspberry Pi Zero W is ideal for making embedded Internet of Things (IoT) projects. The Pi Zero W has been designed to be as flexible and compact as possible with mini connectors and an unpopulated 40-pin GPIO, allowing you to use only what your project requires.
At the heart of the Raspberry Pi Zero W is a 1GHz BCM2835 single-core processor, the same as the B+ and A+, with 512MB RAM. Quite frankly, this Pi is about four times faster that the original Raspberry Pi and is only a fraction of the cost of the current RPi3.
Note: As of the release of the Raspberry Pi Zero W the NOOBS image will need to be updated to work on Pi Zero boards.
- Broadcom BCM2835
- 512MB 内存
- 802.11 b/g/n WiFi无线网卡
- 低功耗蓝牙4.1 (BLE)
- 预焊接40Pin GPIO排针
- Micro SD 卡插槽
- Mini-HDMI接口 (可输出1080p60视频)
- Micro-USB供电接口
- Micro-USB OTG通信接口
- 40PIN GPIO接口焊盘 (兼容A+/B+/2代B/3代B)
- CSI摄像头接口
- 复合视频接口焊盘
- 复位接口接口焊盘
- 尺寸:65mm x 30mm x 5mm