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>(缺貨)*Sparkfun原廠 肌肉傳感器套件 MyoWare系列




 MyoWare Cable Shield電極線連接板(DEV-14109)




    The MyoWare Muscle Sensor is now designed to be wearable, allowing you to attach biomedical sensor pads directly to the board itself. However, there still may be cases where you want to mount the sensor pads away from the other hardware; this is where the MyoWare Cable Shield comes in. This shield provides a 3.5mm jack where you can attach a three-electrode sensor cable, allowing you to test and use the MyoWare Muscle Sensor without actually attaching it to your person.

    The MyoWare Cable Shield is equipped with two rows of 3-pin plated through-holes on each end of the board. This allows for standard 0.1" headers to be used to stack the shield with other MyoWare boards.

    The MyoWare Muscle Sensor that this shield attaches to is an Arduino-powered, all-in-one electromyography (EMG) sensor from Advancer Technologies. The MyoWare board acts by measuring the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs volts depending on the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source.



 MyoWare Muscle Sensor肌肉傳感器(SEN-13723) 


Description: Using our muscles to control things is the way that most of us are accustomed to doing it. We push buttons, pull levers, move joysticks… but what if we could take the buttons, levers and joysticks out of the equation? This is the MyoWare Muscle Sensor, an Arduino-powered, all-in-one electromyography (EMG) sensor from Advancer Technologies. The MyoWare board acts by measuring the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source. It’s that easy: stick on a few electrodes (not included), read the voltage out and flex some muscles!

The MyoWare Muscle Sensor is the latest revision of the Muscle Sensor of old, now with a new wearable design that allows you to attachbiomedical sensor pads directly to the board itself getting rid of those pesky cables. This new board also includes a slew of other new features including, single-supply voltage of +3.1V to +5V, RAW EMG output, polarity protected power pins, indicator LEDs, and (finally) an On/Off switch. Additionally, we have developed a few shields (Cable, Power, and Proto) that can attach to the Myoware Muscle Sensor to help increase its versatility and functionality!

Measuring muscle activity by detecting its electric potential, referred to as electromyography (EMG), has traditionally been used for medical research. However, with the advent of ever shrinking yet more powerful microcontrollers and integrated circuits, EMG circuits and sensors have found their way into all kinds of control systems.

Note: Biomedical sensor pads can be found in the Recommended Products section below to be purchased separately.

Dimensions: 0.82" x 2.06"


  • Wearable Design
  • Single Supply
    • +3.1V to +5V
    • Polarity reversal protection
  • Two Output Modes
    • EMG Envelope
    • Raw EMG
  • Expandable via Shields
  • LED Indicators
  • Specially Designed For Microcontrollers
  • Adjustable Gain



   MyoWare Power Shield 電池模組 (DEV-13684)


MyoWare Power Shield


Description: The MyoWare Power Shield is designed to take two standard CR2032 coin cell batteries to power the MyoWare Muscle Sensor. We have made this board in a way that the coin cell batteries are connected in parallel for extended capacity at a nominal 3.0V. Connecting the MyoWare Muscle Sensor to battery power allows for a cleaner signal while also eliminating the possibility of creating a dangerous current path to the power grid.

One thing to note is that due to the size of the batteries, the remote cable header on the MyoWare Miscle Sensor can’t be passed through. If you need access to these connections, this Power Shield will need to be stacked above the board(s) that need access.

The MyoWare Muscle Sensor, that this shield attaches to, is an Arduino-powered, all-in-one electromyography (EMG) sensor from Advancer Technologies. The MyoWare board acts by measuring the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source.


  MyoWare Proto Shield (BOB-13709) 

Description: This is the MyoWare Proto Shield, a simple proto-board for your MyoWare Muscle Sensor. With this shield you will be able to use the area provided to solder on whatever custom circuitry you can come up with. This shield provides 8 x 15 solderable through holes on a standard 0.1" grid.

The MyoWare Proto Shield is equipped with two rows of 3-pin plated through holes on each end of the board. This allows for standard 0.1" headers to be used to stack the shield with other MyoWare boards.

The MyoWare Muscle Sensor, that this shield attaches to, is an Arduino-powered, all-in-one electromyography (EMG) sensor from Advancer Technologies. The MyoWare board acts by measuring the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source.


 Biomedical Sensor Pad 電極片 貼片
Sensor Cable - Electrode Pads 電極 電纜線(CAB-12970)

Description: This is your simple three conductor sensor cable with electrode pad leads. These cables are 24" long and feature a 3.5mm audio jack connector on one end with snap style receptacles for biomedical sensor pads. Each cable comes in a red/blue/black set.

Dimensions: 24" Long





電極線 x1

電極線連接板 x1

貼片 x3 (加購35/片)

電池 x1

洞洞板 x1

肌肉傳感器 x1


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通知>(缺貨)*Sparkfun原廠 肌肉傳感器套件 MyoWare系列

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E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw