Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi 開發板 (ABX00087)(義大利原廠) UNO R3 升級版 帶WiFi
《Let's explore what the UNO R4 WiFi has to offer:》
With all these features packed into the well-known UNO form factor, now is the perfect time to upgrade your project or embark on your maker journey. The UNO R4 WiFi offers unparalleled versatility and possibilities for makers of all levels./所有這些功能都融入了著名的 UNO 外形尺寸中,現在是升級您的項目或踏上創客之旅的最佳時機。UNO R4 WiFi 為各個級別的創客提供了無與倫比的多功能性和可能性。
Q1:Can I use hardware compatible with the Arduino UNO R3 with the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi? 我可以將與 Arduino UNO R3 兼容的硬件與 Arduino UNO R4 WiFi 一起使用嗎? A1:Yes, the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi was specifically designed to ensure compatibility with previous shields and compatible hardware developed for the Arduino UNO R3. The UNO R4 WiFi maintains the same mechanical and electrical compatibility, allowing you to seamlessly use your existing shields and hardware with the new board. This makes it easy to upgrade to the UNO R4 WiFi without the need for significant changes or adaptations to your projects.
Q2:Can I use hardware compatible with the Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2 with the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi? 我可以將與 Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2 兼容的硬件與 Arduino UNO R4 WiFi 一起使用嗎? A2:Yes, the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi is fully compatible with previous shields and hardware developed for the UNO WiFi Rev2. Both boards share the same UNO form factor and 5 V operating voltage. However, it's important to note that depending on the design, there may be changes in the pinout elements. Please refer to the documentation and pinout diagrams for specific details and compatibility considerations.
Q3:Can I use my sketch developed for the UNO R3 in the UNO R4? 我可以在 UNO R4 中使用為 UNO R3 開發的草圖嗎? A3:Yes, if your sketch was developed using the Arduino API. In case you are using instructions only available for the AVR architecture, some changes need to be made to ensure compatibility.
Q4:Are all libraries compatible with the UNO R3 also compatible with the UNO R4 WiFi? 所有與 UNO R3 兼容的庫是否也與 UNO R4 WiFi 兼容? A4:No, some UNO R3 libraries use instructions of the AVR architecture that are not compatible with the architecture of the UNO R4 WiFi, however there are libraries that have already been ported as part of our early adopters program or are based on the Arduino API.
Q5:What is the on-board LED Matrix on the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and how can I use it? Arduino UNO R4 WiFi 上的板載 LED 矩陣是什麼?如何使用它? A5:The on-board LED Matrix is a fully addressable 12x8 (96 points) red matrix that utilizes Charlieplexing to individually control each point. To get started, simply download the “Arduino UNO R4 boards” core. This will grant you access to the user-friendly Arduino_LED_Matrix API, allowing you to program and control the LED Matrix. More information can be found here.
Q6:Are there any tools available to assist with creating animations for the LED Matrix? 是否有任何工具可以幫助為 LED 矩陣創建動畫? A6:Absolutely! We have developed a graphic tool specifically designed to help makers create and export their own animations. This way, you can unleash your creativity and make the most of this exciting feature. Find more information on the Arduino Labs website.
The revolutionary UNO R4, announced on Arduino Day, is now available on the Arduino Store! The fourth version of the iconic, beloved UNO adds a whole new dimension to the world of DIY and making revolutionized by the simple 8-bit microcontroller over a decade ago. Take your maker potential to new heights: UNO R4 has a speedy 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 and offers a 16-fold increase in memory, as well as more connectors and connectivity options than ever – in two variants: UNO R4 Minima and UNO R4 WiFi. What’s in the new UNO? Both variants allow you to start making or easily upgrade UNO R3-based projects with more computational power, memory, and speed than previous versions – courtesy of the RA4M1 microcontroller by Renesas – while maintaining the same form factor and 5V operating voltage. More memory and faster clock: A 16x increase in memory and 3x the clock speed mean the UNO R4 can perform more precise calculations and handle more complex and sophisticated projects than ever.New built-in peripherals: Among several exciting new peripherals, you get a 12-bit DAC, CAN BUS, OP AMP, and SWD port – each one expanding your maker potential, allowing you to easily tackle increasingly advanced projects.A USB-C® Connector: Embracing the smaller, more powerful, and robust cable standard!An HID device: This feature makes interactive projects a million times cooler, allowing you to create interfaces with minimal effort and in no time. You can get started on your next automation or audio project with the UNO R4 Minima – a top pick for first-time makers, with its combination of powerful technology and affordable price – or you can opt for the UNO R4 WiFi if you need more specific features. Connect to your inner creativity with the UNO R4 WiFi The UNO R4 WiFi variant is perfect for all users, from beginners to experts, wanting to explore the forefront of innovation. This full-fledged board features an ESP32-S3 coprocessor that handles