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(聖誕限時優惠5%折扣)reComputer J2012-Edge AI (16G),NVIDIAJetsonXavierNX

【加購】電源線 +$100元(下方加購裡請勾選
&reComputer J2012-Edge AI (16G),NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX 運算模 19V


reComputer Jetson-20-1-H2 with Jetson Xavier NX 16GB module, Aluminium case, pre-installed JetPack System 帶 Jetson Xavier NX 16GB 模塊、鋁製外殼、預裝 JetPack 系統(110061401)


 **reCompute Jetson-20-1-H2 變更 reComputer J2012**

由於元器件短缺,J2012已停產,推薦reComputer J2022作為替代

reComputer J2011-Edge AI (16GB),NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX 運算模組

新標題:reComputer J2012 -Edge AI Device(NX 16GB+M.2 Key M+M.2 Key E+4*USB 3.0


【Part List/清單】
1 x Acrylic Cover 壓克力蓋
1 x Aluminium Frame 鋁製框架
1 x Jetson Xavier NX module 模組
1 x Heatsink 散熱
1 x Carrier board 載板
1 x 19V/4.74A (MAX 90W) Power Adapter 19V電源(Power cable not included)原廠配置不含電源線
【加購】電源線 +$100元(下方加購裡請勾選

  Jetson-20-1-H2 is a hand-size edge AI box built with Jetson Xavier NX 16GB module, rich set of IOs, aluminium case, cooling fan, pre-installed JetPack System, ready for your next AI application development and deployment.
  Jetson-20-1-H2 是一款手掌大小的邊緣 AI 盒子,內置 Jetson Xavier NX 16GB 模塊、豐富的 IO 集、鋁殼、冷卻風扇、預裝的 JetPack 系統,為您的下一個 AI 應用程序開發和部署做好準備。

  • 我們已經在reComputer中安裝了JetPack 4.6系統,您可以直接上電使用。
  • 如果您想在恢復模式下啟動甚至重新刷機 Jetpack 系統,請查看我們的 wiki。
  • 我們將不包括電源線,請根據您所在的國家/地區選擇合適的形式。
  • 我們將不包括 3V RTC 電池(CR1220)



  • Hand-size edge AI device built with NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Production Module, delivering 384 NVIDIA CUDA® cores delivers up to 21 TOPs AI performance.
     手掌大小的邊緣AI 設備採用NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX 生產模塊構建,提供 384 個 NVIDIA CUDA® 內核,可提供高達 21 TOPs 的 AI 性能。
  • Nearly the same design as Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit’s reference carrier board, rich IOs including Gigabit Ethernet port, 4 USB 3.0 Type-A ports, HDMI port and DP port.
     與Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit的參考載板設計幾乎相同,豐富的 IO 包括千兆以太網端口、4 個 USB 3.0 Type-A 端口、HDMI 端口和 DP 端口。
  • Pre-installed NVIDIA official JetPack software, ready for cloud-native application.
     預裝 NVIDIA 官方 JetPack 軟件,為雲原生應用做好準備。
  • Support a wide range of AI applications fast building with our ecosystem partners.
     與我們的生態系統合作夥伴一起支持廣泛的 AI 應用程序快速構建。
  • Support Allxon to enable secure OTA and remote device management. Unlock 90 days free trial with code H4U-NMW-CPK.
     支持 Allxon 以實現安全的遠程設備管理。使用代碼H4U-NMW-CPK解鎖 90 天免費試用
  • Able to mount on the wall with mounting holes on the back.


  reComputer series for Jetson are compact edge computers built with NVIDIA advanced AI embedded systems: J10 (Nano 4GB) and J20 (Jetson Xavier NX 8GB and Jetson Xavier 16GB). With rich extension modules, industrial peripherals, and thermal management, reComputer for Jetson is ready to help you accelerate and scale the next-gen AI product by deploying popular DNN models and ML frameworks to the edge and inferencing with high performance.

【NVIDIA Jetson powered Edge AI platform at Seeed】

  At Seeed, you will find everything you want to work with NVIDIA Jetson Platform – official NVIDIA Jetson Dev Kits, Seeed-designed carrier boards, and edge devices, as well as accessories.

  Seeed will continue working on the Jetson product line and will be ready to combine our partners’ unique technology with Seeed’s hardware expertise for an end-to-end solution.

【Hardware specification/規格】

Comparison among reComputer Jetson-10 series and Official Dev Kits/reComputer Jetson-10 系列與官方開發套件對比


【Interface-rich reference carrier board/接口豐富的參考載板】

Nearly the same functional design as Jetson Xavier Developer NX Kit與 Jetson Xavier NX開發者套件幾乎相同的功能設計

  Seeed reference carrier board for Jetson-20-1-H1 is a high-performance, interface-rich NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX compatible carrier board, providing HDMI 2.0, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, M.2 key E, M.2 key M, CSI camera, CAN, GPIO, I2C, I2S, fans, and other rich peripheral interfaces. It has the same functional design and size as the carrier board of NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX DEVELOPER KIT.

  Take advantage of the small form factor, sensor-rich interfaces, and big performance to bring new capability to all your embedded AI and edge systems.



【Desktop, Wall Mount, or fit in anywhere】

  With an overall dimension of 130mm*120mm*50mm, it is only around 1/10 of the size of an ordinary computer case which makes it possible to fit in edge AI scenarios. The back screw holes allow you to hang the product as you need. We also provide other editions case like blue, silver and silver mental, whose stackable structure allows you to stack more middle layers to create rooms very easily.
  外形尺寸為130mm*120mm*50mm,只有普通電腦機箱的1/10左右,可以適應邊緣AI場景。 背面螺絲孔可讓您根據需要懸掛產品。 我們還提供其他版本的案例,如藍色、銀色和銀色金屬,其可堆疊結構讓您可以堆疊更多中間層以輕鬆創建房間。

【Edge AI Applications】

  reComputer J2011 and J2022 are ideal for building autonomous applications and complex AI tasks of image recognition, object detection, pose estimation, semantic segmentation, video processing, and many more. 
  • 【Traffic management/交通管理】
    • license plate detection
    • car detection
    • pedestrian detection
  • 【Industry 4.0/工業4.0】:
    • helmet detection, hard hat detection, and custom PPE detection/頭盔檢測、安全帽檢測和定制 PPE 檢測
    • visual anomaly detection using NVIDIA Deepstream IoT/使用 NVIDIA Deepstream IoT 進行視覺異常檢測
  • 【Retail/零售】:
    • sentiment analysis(webinar: learn your customer with AI by Zenus smart camera)/情緒分析(網絡研討會:通過 Zenus 智能相機使用 AI 了解您的客戶)
    • retail store items detection/零售店物品檢測
  • 【Robotics/機器人】:
    • under-ice sensing ROV/冰下感應 ROV
    • warehouse towing robot/倉庫牽引機器人
  • 【Edge AI into the Wild】: Wildfire detection/野火檢測
  • 【Agriculture/農業】: weeding machine, Tractors, Livestock detection/除草機、拖拉機、牲畜檢測
  • 【Healthcare/醫療保健】: medical imaging analysis/醫學影像分析


 【Prebuild system for edge AI integration/用於邊緣 AI 集成的預構建系統】

  All NVIDIA® Jetson™ modules and developer kits are supported by the same software stack, enabling you to develop once and deploy everywhere. Jetson Software is designed to provide end-to-end acceleration for AI applications and accelerate your time to market. We bring the same powerful NVIDIA technologies that power data center and cloud deployments to the edge.

  JetPack includes NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration, enabling GPU accelerated containerized applications on Jetson platform. Jetpack also brings support for NVIDIA Triton™ Inference Server to simplify the deployment of AI models at scale.

【Work with Seeed Ecosystem/與 Seeed 生態系統合作】

  Deploying an AI idea can be faster, flexible, even scalable for everyone. Seeed Jetson Platform targets on helping educators, developers and enterprises deploy ML in the real world. By consolidating Seeed’s best-in-class hardware, cutting-edge technology from our software partners and all developers from the community, we aim at emerging all kinds of AI scenarios in our open-source platform to faster industry digital transformation. We are looking for partners to join our ecosystem together to deliver solutions to different industries together. Please contact for more partnership ecosystem information.

【Computer Vision and embedded machine learning/計算機視覺和嵌入式機器學習

  • Edge AI no code Vision tool, Seeed latest open-source project for deploying AI application within 3 nodes.
  • NVIDIA ®DeepStream SDK delivers a complete streaming analytics toolkit for AI-based multi-sensor processing and video and image understanding on Jetson.
  • NVIDIA® TAO tool kit, built on TensorFlow and PyTorch, is a low-code version of the NVIDIA TAO framework that accelerates the model training
  • alwaysAI: build, train, and deploy computer vision applications directly at the edge of reComputer. Get free access to 100+ pre-trained Computer Vision Models and train custom AI models in the cloud in a few clicks via enterprise subscription. Check out our wiki guide to get started with alwaysAI.
  • Edge Impulse: the easiest embedded machine learning pipeline for deploying audio, classification, and object detection applications at the edge with zero dependencies on the cloud.
  • Roboflow provides tools to convert raw images into a custom-trained computer vision model of object detection and classification and deploy the model for use in applications. See the full documentation for deploying to NVIDIA Jetson with Roboflow.
  • YOLOv5 by Ultralytics: use transfer learning to realize few-shot object detection with YOLOv5 which needs only a very few training samples. See our step-by-step wiki tutorials

Speech AI/語音人工智能

  NVIDIA® Riva is a GPU-accelerated SDK for building Speech AI applications that are customized for your use case and deliver real-time performance.
NVIDIA® Riva 是一種 GPU 加速 SDK,用於構建針對您的用例定制的語音 AI 應用程序並提供實時性能。

Robot and ROS Development/機器人和 ROS 開發

  •  NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEMs are hardware-accelerated packages that make it easier for ROS developers to build high-performance solutions on NVIDIA hardware. Learn more about NVIDIA Developer Tools.
    NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEM 是硬件加速包,可讓 ROS 開發人員更輕鬆地在 NVIDIA 硬件上構建高性能解決方案。了解有關 NVIDIA 開發人員工具的更多信息
  •  Cogniteam Nimbus is a cloud-based solution that allows developers to manage autonomous robots more effectively. Nimbus platform supports NVIDIA® Jetson™ and ISAAC SDK and GEMs out-of-the-box. Check out our webinar on Connect your ROS Project to the Cloud with Nimbus.
     Cogniteam Nimbus 是一種基於雲的解決方案,允許開發人員更有效地管理自主機器人。Nimbus 平台支持開箱即用的 NVIDIA® Jetson™ 和 ISAAC SDK 和 GEM。查看我們 關於使用 Nimbus 將您的 ROS 項目連接到雲端的網絡研討會。

【Model Optimization/模型優化】

  Deci: optimize your models on NVIDIA Jetson devices. Check webinar at Deci of Automatically Benchmark and Optimize Runtime Performance on NVIDIA Jetson Nano and Xavier NX Devices
Deci:在 NVIDIA Jetson 設備上優化您的模型。 在 NVIDIA Jetson Nano 和 Xavier NX 設備上自動基準測試和優化運行時性能的 Deci 上查看 網絡研討會

【Remote Fleet Management/遠程車隊管理】

  Enable secure OTA and remote device management with Allxon. Unlock 90 days free trial with code H4U-NMW-CPK.
使用Allxon啟用安全的 OTA 和遠程設備管理 。使用代碼 H4U-NMW-CPK 解鎖 90 天免費試用.

【Jetson Xavier NX 和 Jetson AGX Orin MLPerf v2.0 結果】


●reComputer NX 版本 【加購價】:電源線 X1條●reComputer NX 版本 【加購價】:電源線 X1條加購價:NT$100數量

reComputer J20 系列與官方開發套件對比

Comparison among reComputer J20 series and Official Dev Kits

NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit reComputer J2012 reComputer J2021 reComputer J2022
Module Xavier NX (not production version) Xavier NX 16GB (production version) Jetson Xavier NX 8 GB Jetson Xavier NX 16GB
AI Perf 21 TOPS
GPU 384-core NVIDIA Volta™ GPU
CPU 6-core NVIDIA Carmel ARM®v8.2 64-bit CPU 6 MB L2 + 4 MB L3
Memory 8 GB 128-bit LPDDR4x @ 51.2GB/s 16 GB 128-bit LPDDR4x @ 59.7GB/s 8 GB 128-bit LPDDR4x @ 59.7GB/s 16 GB 128-bit LPDDR4x 59.7GB/s
Storage MicroSD (Card not included) 16 GB eMMC 5.1

Video encoder

2x 4K @ 30 | 6x 1080p @ 60 | 14x 1080p @ 30 (H.265/H.264)
2x 4K60 | 4x 4K30 | 10x 1080p60 | 22x 1080p30 (H.265)
2x 4K60 | 4x 4K30 | 10x 1080p60 | 20x 108p30 (H.264)

Video decoder

2x 4K @ 60 | 4x 4K @ 30 | 12x 1080p @ 60 | 32x 1080p @ 30 (H.265)
2x 4K @ 30 | 6x 1080p @ 60 | 16x 1080p @ 30 (H.264)
2x 8K30 | 6x 4K60 | 12x 4K30 | 22x 1080p60 | 44x 1080p30 (H.265)
2x 4K60 | 6x 4K30 | 10x 1080p60 | 22x 1080p30 (H.264)

Gigabit Ethernet

1*RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet Connector (10/100/1000)

4 * USB 3.1 Type A Connector;
1 * Micro-USB port for Device mode;
4 * USB 3.0 Type A Connector;
1 * Micro-USB port for Device mode;
4 * USB 3.1 Type A Connector;
1* USB Type-C (Device mode)
CSI Camera Connect 2*CSI Camera (15 pos, 1mm pitch, MIPI CSI-2 )
Display 1*HDMI Type A; 1*DP

1*M.2 Key E(WiFi/BT included) 1*M.2 Key E


1*M.2 Key M

- 1*RTC Socket RTC 2-pin
RTC socket
Multifunctional port 1* 40-Pin header

Power Requirements
DC Jack 19V 4.75A (MAX 90W) 12V/5A(Barrel Jack 5.5/2.1mm)

103 mm x 90.5 mm x 31 mm 130mm x120mm x 50mm

If use some GPIO libraries that causes floating voltage 1.2V~2V , GPIO issues on the carrier board could happen as the normal voltage should be 3V.
This is a common situation on the carrier boards, for both the reComputer series and official Nvidia Jetson developer kit.
Thus, aftersales / warrenty does not come into effect regarding this isssue.
For further information, refer to NVIDIA official document.

HSCODE 8471419000
USHSCODE 8471490000




Explore the interfaces, AI performances, and all differences among Seeed's edge AI devices and carrier boards for Jetson, as well as NVIDIA Official Dev Kts.
We represent you the user guide of reComputer Jetson Series, providing kickstart for the beginners, documentation for usage, elaboration for the advance, AI tools and projects for reference, comprehensively help you from beginner to advancer.
This is the wiki shows you how to install NVIDIA System based on Seeed Studio J202 Carrier Board.
MaskCam is a prototype reference design for a Jetson Nano-based smart camera system that measures crowd face mask usage in real-time, with all AI computation performed at the edge. MaskCam detects and tracks people in its field of view and determines whether they are wearing a mask via an object detection, tracking, and voting algorithm.
We provide the user guide wiki here that helps you get quickly started with the reComputer series.
You can securely manage NVIDIA® JetPack 4.6 onward versions with Cyber Security at the Edge protecting all networks and hardware. Here are some operations about installing, getting code, adding devices etc.
Seeed is glad to partner with Allxon to deliver a secure remote management solution for Jetson Platform. At Seeed, you will find everything you want to work with NVIDIA Jetson Platform – official NVIDIA Jetson Dev Kits, Seeed-designed carrier boards, and kits, as well as third-party boards and accessories.
Zenus leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence to create incredible products while driving the ethical use of facial analysis. Seeed supports the Zenus AI camera with Seeed's high-performance, interface-rich NVIDIA Jetson Nano/Xavier NX/TX2 NX compatible carrier board.




比較 NVIDIA Jetson Nano 和 Jetson Xavier NX

Compare NVIDIA Jetson Nano and Jetson Xavier NX
With Jetson Nano, developers can use highly accurate pre-trained models from TAO Toolkit and deploy with DeepStream. Jetson Nano can achieve 11 FPS for PeopleNet- ResNet34 of People Detection, 19 FPS for DashCamNet-ResNet18 of Vehicle Detection, and 101 FPS for FaceDetect-IR-ResNet18 of Face Detection.
Jetson Xavier NX can achieve 172 FPS for PeopleNet- ResNet34 of People Detection, 274 FPS for DashCamNet-ResNet18 of Vehicle Detection, and 1126 FPS for FaceDetect-IR-ResNet18 of Face Detection. Benchmark details can be found on NVIDIA®’s DeepStream SDK website.
If you are developing an application that requires processioning multiple video streams at high resolution while performing ASR/NLP or other GPU-related tasks (CUDA enabled SLAM for example), then its deep learning accelerators can take on CNN inference and leave GPU for other tasks – TX2 or Jetson Nano maybe not satisfied. We recommend reComputer J2012 and J2021. Check our comparison blog here.


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會員 Hsu先生/小姐 詢問: 2022-08-30  08:59:44
問題: 你好 我們想購買下面產品 需要開發票
(現貨)reComputer Jetson-20-1-H2(16G),NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX 運算模
另外想請問有 128G SSD可以加購嗎?運送方式?及是否有運費?
回覆: 您好,SSD目前我們沒有,你可以市面上買,
訪客 詢問: 2022-08-29  16:17:16
問題: 你好 我想詢問下面產品的價格 以及有沒有現貨呢?謝謝
reComputer J2012 - Edge AI Device with Jetson Xavier NX 16 GB module
回覆: J2012 就是這款,NT$21600 未稅,現貨
J2012 只是新的代號而已

更名:「reComputer Jetson-20-1-H2」已更改為“reComputer J2012”。
Name change: 'reComputer Jetson-20-1-H2' has changed to 'reComputer J2012'........>>>更多...
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1 x ●4inch Resistive Touch LCD / 4寸 彩色IPS顯示屏 電阻觸摸 480x800
1 x *NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 影像辨識套件 桌上型(全配2,不含主板)
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1 x 30W無線遙控放音板,多路控制播放板,TF插卡大功率放音板
1 x >(停產)Mach3 usb cnc 雕刻機控制卡 運動控制卡 / MK6-IV (4代 6軸控制器)
1 x ★10pcs一標 STC12C5A60S2-35I-PDIP40 STC12C5A60S2 DIP 全新原裝 ☆
1 x NVIDIA JETSON NANO 2G 專用外殼:壓克力外殼 Jetson Nano Case (D),透明外殼、USB供電
1 x 2014新款直流12V LM3886 4X70W 純後級功放(2/3/4聲道)
1 x ▽●(現貨)香蕉派 Banana Pi M64(A64) 外殼 BPI-M64 鋁合金外殼
1 x SparkFun MicroMod Update Tool(DEV-17725)
1 x Microduino 模組 TFT LCD 屏 128*160
1 x #&●2022新品 Raspberry Pi Pico W 高性能微控制器板 RP2040 開發板 無線版
1 x DC9-60V 400W 馬達驅動板,BLDC 三相直流無刷有霍爾電機控制器
1 x >(停產)原廠 Qoitech AB Otii DC Power Analyzer 直流電源分析儀(OTII-ARC-001)
1 x PIC 12F675
1 x >(停產)型號:B0100,Arducam AR0134 1.2MP 全局快門 彩色攝像機模塊
1 x 編碼器脈衝訊號 分配器(ABZ相高速)1分2路 PNP輸出-5V輸入,5V輸出+5V輸出
1 x PLC三菱可編程控制器FX1N 40MR/MT在線下載監控文本斷電保持
1 x 最新款 WiFi無線 VGA傳輸同屏器 HDMI高清視頻 蘋果手機 平板電腦 轉連投影儀(鋁合金外殼+遙控器)
1 x 香蕉派 banana pi M1+(BPI-M1+) 專用攝像頭 OV5640 (5M/500萬)
1 x ●(288W電機+M6桿+支架+鋸片)775直流電機馬達 12v-24V通用
1 x 20V8(廠牌都有
1 x >(停產)MPLAB Compatible USB PIC Programmer(PGM_09671)
1 x $(書)愛上micro:bit BBC 創客編程入門書 教育編程(9787115490643) 中小學生 兒童
1 x $(請先詢價)Seeed 原廠 MDDS30 - Cytron SmartDriveDuo-30 電機驅動器 (10807002
1 x TL4064 鍍金 4mm 香蕉插頭 轉 杜邦母孔測試線 長度60CM (紅黑一對)
1 x #●YYE-1 (5V) 串口控制單片機USB控制開關PLC RS232 繼電器模塊電腦板5V 12V 24V
1 x >(量大可訂)Seeed 原廠 LoRa/LoRaWAN Gateway - 915MHz ,不含 樹莓派 Pi3 (11006
1 x ●FX-50DU-CAB0 3M / PLC編程電纜 通訊線 下載線 適用三菱
1 x OCROBOT 1.8英吋 藍色共陽8*8點陣 高亮 霧面 3mm點陣
1 x &●現貨 ROCK 4B SE 金屬外殼:KKSB ROCK 4 SE Case Aluminium
1 x ▼●(特價,現貨)NVIDIA Jetson Nano 專用 RGB風扇: 新炫彩 Colorful ICE Tower CPU
1 x Adjustable breadboard power supply kit - v1.0(ada184)
1 x STM8S/STM8L在線燒錄器(全自動版)/脫機編程器/下載器/離線下載線
1 x &●書 The Official Raspberry Pi Beginners Guide 初學者指南第4版 Pi4、Pi400
1 x &●7inch HDMI LCD (H) (帶外殼) 樹莓派 7寸 IPS 電容觸摸屏 1024×600分辨率
1 x >(停產)HDMI採集 HDMI轉CSI2 H2C-NCB (適配官方NANO B01開發板) Jetson NANO用
1 x 70H-1024600-IPS-A(IPS顯示屏-無觸控)7寸 IPS一體化顯示屏,1024×600 輕薄屏 170度可視角度
1 x 895直流電機馬達 (895台鋸+400W電源)
1 x #MicroUSB 轉 DIP 轉接板(綠板),2.54mm 5Pin轉接板 母座B型DIP
1 x Allo系列 PIANO 2.1 DAC 音頻模組 樹莓派
1 x ●香蕉派 Banana Pi P2 Zero (BPI-P2 Zero) 四核開發板(升級全志H3)512M內存
1 x 荔枝派 Lichee Pi Zero 開發板 樹莓派 V3S (單板)
1 x #*Raspberry Pi 樹莓派 原廠 7吋屏 + 7吋觸控螢幕外殼(一體殼)-Pi3版本
1 x 型號:B0345,Arducam USB Camera Shield 並行相機轉接板(Rev.A) 適配板
1 x *停產,NVIDIA JETSON NANO 開發套件V1 A02 64bit (風扇、外殼、電源、SD卡另購)
1 x M12評估板 自製PLC DIY PLC 單片機
1 x (721 升級款 拾音器)德產Schaller沙勒吉他拾音器 民謠古典尤克里裡提琴古箏弦 擴音器
1 x LED Display Driver (8-Digit) - MAX7219CNG LED 驅動器IC
1 x ▽●(現貨*)Pycom 開發板 LoPy V1.0 - LoRa + WiFi + BLE(ada3339)
1 x Seeed原廠 RaspiRobot Board v3 樹莓派 擴展板 擴充板 (114990293)
1 x ●海備思 HAGiBiS 鋁合金USB耳麥合一外接式音效卡(單孔)(MA24)
1 x ●USB-CNV3 PLC編程電纜 數據線
1 x ●YFI-1 直流電流檢測過流保護模塊 電機堵轉保護板 電流傳感器 12 24V
1 x 36mm Square 12V Digital RGB LED Pixels WS2801(ada2950)
1 x $ reTerminal CM4104032/帶有樹莓派Pi CM4、5寸電容觸控屏、嵌入式Linux110070048
1 x 進口原裝暗字lm1875 2.1聲道功放板 低音炮(成品板不帶散熱片)
1 x ●樹莓派 Raspberry Pi CM4 IO板 用 散熱風扇 PWM調速 Fan-4010-PWM-12V
1 x 升級版 WeMos D1 R2 WiFi UNO 開發板基於ESP8266
1 x ●Raspberry Pi樹莓派 專用HiFiBerry Digi+接外部DAC高傳真音響轉接板(帶磁偶訊號隔離器
1 x CAM8000-D數字攝像頭模塊可配DevKit8000開發板SBC8100
1 x ●型號:B012001,Arducam原廠 Raspberry Pi Camera V2.2 樹莓派 多攝像機適配器模塊
1 x 2.1帶重低音大功率TDA7293三聲道功放板(BTL版) 帶喇叭保護電路
1 x ●樹莓派Raspberry Pi4B 配件 / 原廠電源 5.1V 3A + USB-C (Type-C) 15.3W (黑色)
1 x ATTINY2313V-10PI
1 x FPGA用16X2文字型LCD(藍光)
1 x PLC FX1N 20MR工控板 線上下載 編程 監控 文本 斷電保持 32位元晶片 新增485介面
1 x 雕刻機經濟型 CNC對刀塊 對刀器 對刀儀 雕刻機配件 對刀塊
1 x ●三菱plc通訊模組 FX3U-232-BD 三菱FX3U用232介面通訊板
1 x 遙控坦克船 充電動水陸兩棲坦克遙控車玩具汽車(噴水型24883A/C.升級雙砲台+3電池套餐)
1 x ●(特價*/現貨) WiFi Mini 開發板,RedBearLab 原廠(台灣獨家代理) CC3200
1 x (售完*) BLE Nano v2 開發板,RedBearLab 原廠(台灣獨家代理) nRF5x
1 x #Raspberry Pi 樹莓派專用無線網卡Mini USB 802.11n 150Mbps 150M迷你網卡
1 x ●香蕉派 Banana Pi M4、M5 (BPI-M4、BPI-M5)專用 壓克力外殼 透明外殼
1 x (缺貨)DotStar Digital LED Strip - White白色 144 LED/m - 1米 (ada2242)
1 x ▼SparkFun原廠 Real Time Clock Module 實時時鐘模組(BOB-12708)
1 x Allo系列 PIANO DAC 音頻模組 樹莓派
1 x ●樹莓派 Raspberry Pi CM4專用散熱風扇(CM4-FAN-3007-12V版本)低噪音 帶散熱貼
1 x *(缺貨)12.48inch e-Paper Module(裸板/帶殼)12.48寸 電子墨水屏 1304×984(黑白雙色)
1 x #【原廠7吋螢幕,加價升級】SmartiPi Touch Pro 標配:黑色S款→ 白色S款
1 x ●杜邦公頭 轉 2MM香蕉插頭 30CM 10P (10條一組)
1 x (10pcs)4.3-4.4W 單晶矽太陽能電池片 太陽能板 156x156
1 x (售完*) RedBearLab原廠(台灣獨家代理) Wi-Fi Micro Kit開發板/CC3200 Wi-Fi Mi
1 x 香橙派 全志 2G-IOT 開發板 2G Iot
1 x 手動脹管器 6mm-22mm 銅管脹管器 空調維修 銅鋁管擴口器製冷工具 (飛越脹管器) 送筆試絞刀
1 x $請先詢價 UDOO X86 專用 BLU SENSER 藍芽模組
1 x >(停產)(書BOOK)樹莓派 Python樹莓派編程 9787111550303
1 x 2百萬像素攝像頭OV2640模組、模塊帶轉接板(含所有電源)(BB-3756)
1 x &●Raspberry Pi3B/3B+ 樹莓派 原廠電源 5.1V 2.5A 13W 電源組 官方原廠 microUSBTEXT_PRODUCTS_ADD
1 x ▼SparkFun Artemis Development Kit(DEV-16828)
1 x A603 Carrier Board 底板,適用Jetson Orin NX/Nano核心板(102110840)
1 x 89C58RD+
1 x $請先詢價UDOO NEO FULL開發板 / Cortex-A9核心板 Cortex-M4內存 RAM 1GB
1 x 4G聯發科MTK6735四核手機開發板MT6735安卓核心板通信LTE模塊方案
1 x >(停產)(書BOOK)樹莓派就這麼玩(配視頻教程)
1 x ●(雙面)噴錫洞洞板2x8CM,2x8cm 厚度1.6mm 間距2.54mm 實驗板 PCB板 優質玻纖板
1 x #【原廠7吋螢幕,加價升級】SmartiPi Touch Pro 標配:黑色S款→ 黑色L款
1 x #樹莓派 Pi 3B+ 高精度 AD/DA 類比/數位擴展板 High-Precision AD/DA Board 板載ADS1
1 x M5Stack Core2,ESP32 觸摸屏開發套件,WiFi藍牙圖形化編程Arduino
1 x ●台灣帝聞 UL,CE認證 18W QC3.0 5V/3A 9V/2A 12V/1.5A 電源供應器 + typeC USB線
1 x ●(特價*/現貨) Blend V1.0 開發板,RedBearLab 原廠(台灣獨家代理)
1 x JST-PH 2-Pin SMT Right Angle Breakout Board(ada1862)
1 x 1000W 低音炮功放板 車載音響功放發燒級12V汽車8寸10寸12寸
1 x ●(現貨*)UF0 - STM32F0 Cortex-M0 Arduino& Grove使用...(102990172)
1 x TPA3116 PBTL數字功放板(無藍牙版本),100W*2 立體聲 D類功放 藍牙5 功放板 無衝擊
1 x VEYE-MIPI-327RC-4.0(1.0)I,樹莓派1/2.8英寸200萬 IMX327攝像頭 夜視 超星光 大光圈F1
1 x 美國原廠 MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor Breakout 模塊ad
1 x ★10pcs一標 OPA2604AP原廠正品☆
1 x &*(現貨)NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 影像辨識套件 桌上型(全配2,含主板B01)
1 x 樹莓派 Pi4B【電源/線材/轉接頭】總覽
2 x Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 A),AI人工智能開發板 基礎配件:64G、電源
1 x ●有國際UL認證 Lattepanda 樹莓派 香蕉派 香橙派 5V 3A Micro USB 電源TEXT_PRODUCTS_ADD
1 x 乙級硬體裝修 (2包)
1 x EPM7064STC100-10N
1 x 1.64inch e-Paper (G) (不帶模塊) 電子墨水屏裸屏 1.64寸方形e-Paper 168×168
1 x ●原廠LPS33HW Water Resistant Pressure Sensor 耐水壓力STEMMA QT(ada4414
1 x &●NVIDIA JETSON NANO B01、NX、2G 專用外殼:金屬外殼 N100-V11 (如NX要另外買天線
1 x 150W 多功能電壓電流恆流負載 USB可調 恆流電子負載電瓶電池容量檢測試儀表老化放電器 20A
1 x &▼●GPW-CB02 下載線 / 普洛菲斯Proface觸摸屏編程電纜GP3000下載線
1 x ●DB9 (母) 轉 端子 5Pin 轉接板
1 x MACH3 MODBUS IO擴展 繼電器板
1 x >(停產)WEB-UL001 (Galaxy版 風扇版25W)可調恆流電子負載移動電源USB老化放電檢測試儀測線器
1 x e-Paper Driver HAT 墨水屏驅動板 通用版 SPI接口
1 x 16通道電平兼容電平轉換模塊 TTLCOMS 5V 3.3V 2.5V 1.8V電平系統
1 x PIC 16F716
1 x DTOF LIDAR STL27L 激光雷達傳感器 360° UART串口通信
1 x (缺貨)2019最新版 原廠SEGGER J-Link EDU - JTAG/SWD Debugger V9 v10 仿真器PG
1 x OV5640 Camera Board (B) 攝像頭模組B款,500萬像素 魚眼 廣視角
1 x ▼Garmin LIDAR-Lite v4 LED - Distance Measurement Sensor (Qwiic)
1 x ●綠聯 Micro HDMI 轉 HDMI 轉接線 短線 / 微型hdmi轉標準hdmi母口
1 x 香蕉派 Banana Pi R64 (BPI-R64) 專用 壓克力外殼 透明外殼
1 x UPS Power Module / Jetson Nano不間斷電源UPS模塊 4節 18650 共10400mAh 邊充邊放
1 x &OKdo【ROCK 4 C+】Starter Kit(4GB RAM)4C+電腦套件,RK3399-T A72+A53
1 x 1.9inch Segment e-Paper / 1.9寸 e-Paper段碼墨水屏裸屏 91段I2C通信
1 x &●(現貨)(餐MB-016)2022新款原廠 micro:bit V2.21 套餐 / Go Bundle (送電子書) -
1 x 電腦擴大機 入門發燒最佳選 6N11(6H23)+3886前膽後石功放 功放機 電腦功放
1 x 7.5V1000mA開關電源適配器(Arduino適用) FIT0028 7.5V1000mA開關電源適配器
1 x 海備思 HAGiBiS Type-C轉HDMI連接線 (三代 供電款4K*60Hz 1.8米) 高清 轉換器 電視同屏線
1 x W78E058C
1 x >缺貨 香蕉派 Banana Pi M2+ 帶風扇外殼 5V DC風扇
1 x ●香蕉派 banana pi BPI (M1/M1+/M2U/M3/R1/R2) 專用 SATA線
1 x Magedok 原廠 10.1 吋 2K IPS 顯示器 Quad-HD 便攜式顯示屏 螢幕,帶雙Hdmi輸入 (C101)
1 x 香蕉派 Banana Pi R64 (BPI-R64) 開發板
1 x #&NVIDIA JETSON NANO DEV-KIT-SUB版本(4GB),英偉達開發板-單主板(B01替代款)
1 x ●ZKT-00XN4 / (NPN和PNP) 轉 NPN輸出 4路 光耦隔離IO板 PLC信號電平轉換 電壓轉換 (輸入3-5
1 x [套餐一]AP-700 收音80-120w定壓功放機 吸頂天花喇叭背景音樂公共廣播
1 x EPEC2023編程控制器
1 x &*樹莓派 Raspberry Pi 4B Pi4B 專用 散熱片 (3片+1銅)
1 x 2.9inch NFC-Powered e-Paper(帶殼),2.9寸 無源NFC電子墨水屏
1 x GAL16V8
1 x FPGA用128X64點陣型LCD(藍光)
1 x Jetson Nano Developer Kit (配件包 B),玩轉AI圖像識別 配件:攝像頭、64G、電源
1 x OCROBOT 1.8英吋 綠色共陽8*8點陣 高亮 霧面 3mm點陣
1 x 樹莓派Pi4B Pi3B 配件:HIFI 雙解碼DAC I2S 音頻撥放器ES9023 (不含主板)
1 x PIC 16C745
1 x YYB-5 +人體紅外感應傳感器,控制電機正反轉模塊門禁改裝 12v 24V
1 x ●香蕉派 Banana Pi M2+(H2+) (BPI-M2+) 四核開發板 全志H2+ 1GB DDR3 RAM
商品通知狀態 更多
通知(聖誕限時優惠5%折扣)reComputer J2012-Edge AI (16G),NVIDIAJetsonXavierNX

聯絡方式:手機:0933807110 或 0968222607
E-mail:i0104@ms13.hinet.net(主要信箱) & i03070309@yahoo.com.tw(次要) & a_te0307@hotmail.com & A9215017@mail.ntust.edu.tw & r94922042@ntu.edu.tw