
NUCLEO-F091RC Nucleo-64 Development Board
The STM32 Nucleo Board, NUCLEO-F091RC will work in conjunction with the STM32 F0 series microcontroller to allow you to build your own prototypes for embedded applications. With its easy to use development platform it can offer a quick solution in evaluating and developing with any ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0 RISC core STM32 F0 flash microcontrollers in the LQFP64 package.
The Nucleo development board connects with the Arduino™ and will support most shields. Also the ST Morpho headers help increase the functionality of the Nucleo Open Development Platform (ODP).
The ARM® mbed enabled board has an integrated ST-Link/V2 circuit debugger and programmer (SWIM/SWD) and this will interface with the on board STM32L053R8T6 with a suitable STM32 MCU in your application.
STM32™ ARM® 32-Bit Cortex®-M0 microcontroller with LQFP64 package
Two types of extension resources: Arduino Uno Revision 3 connectivity, and STMicroelectronics Morpho extension pin headers for full access to all STM32 I/Os
mbed™-enabled (mbed.org)
On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer with SWD connector
Flexible board power supply: USB VBUS or external source (3.3V, 5V, 7V to 12V); Power management access point
Three LEDs: USB communication (LD1), user LED (LD2), power LED (LD3)
Two push buttons: USER and RESET
USB re-enumeration capability: three different interfaces supported on USB; Virtual Com port, Mass storage, Debug port
Supported by Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) including IAR™, Keil®, GCC-based IDEs
STM32F0 Series 32-Bit ARM® Cortex®-M0 Microcontrollers, STMicroelectronics
The STM32 F0 Series of the 32-bit Flash Microcontrollers (MCUs) is based on the ARM Cortex™-M0 core; a core specifically developed for embedded applications. STMicroelectronics’s STM32 ARM Cortex™ M processor benefits from the Cortex-M0 architectural enhancements including digital signal processing, real-time performance, low voltage and low power. ST’s ARM® STM32 F0 mainstream series delivers a 32-bit performance and is ideal for small projects or platform decisions with its easy to use functionality.

STM32 Nucleo板為用戶提供了一種經濟實惠且靈活的方式,可以使用任何STM32微控制器系列嘗試新想法和構建原型,從性能,功耗和功能的各種組合中進行選擇。
Arduino™連接支持和ST Morpho接頭可以通過多種專用屏蔽輕鬆擴展STM32 Nucleo開放式開發平台的功能。
STM32 Nucleo板不需要任何單獨的探頭,因為它集成了ST-LINK / V2-1調試器/編程器.
STM32 Nucleo板帶有STM32綜合軟件HAL庫以及各種套裝軟件示例,以及直接訪問mbed在線資源。
NUCLEO-F091RC是ST公司推出的一款針對STM32F0系列設計的Cortex-M0開發板,具有mbed功能,支持Arduino。同時還提供ST Morpho擴展排針,可連接微控制器的所有周邊外設。
開發板基於STM32F091RCT6設計,開發板還集成了ST-LINK / V2-1仿真下載器(但僅對外提供SWD接口),免除您另外採購仿真器或下載器的麻煩。並且具備Arduino的接口,可接入Arduino巨大生態系統的各種盾擴展板,讓您能夠輕鬆快速增加特殊功能。
- 採用LQFP64封裝的STM32微控制器
- STM32F091RCT6(256K FLASH)
- 兩種類型的擴展資源
- Arduino Uno Revision 3連接
- STMicroelectronics Morpho擴展引腳接頭,可完全訪問所有STM32 I / O.
- mbed-enabled(mbed.org)
- 帶有SWD連接器的板載ST-LINK / V2-1調試器/編程器
- 選擇模式開關將該套件用作獨立的ST-LINK / V2-1
- 靈活的電路板供電
- USB VBUS或外部源(3.3 V,5 V,7 - 12 V)
- 電源管理接入點
- 三個LED
- USB通信(LD1),用戶LED(LD2),電源LED(LD3)
- USB重新枚舉功能:USB支持三種不同的接口
- 全面的免費軟件HAL庫包括各種軟件示例
- 支持多種集成開發環境(IDE),包括IAR™,Keil®,基於GCC的IDE